Specific Benefits Of Aloe Vera On Skin Care

Aloe vera is a succulent green plant that is found all over the world especially in the tropics and is available in almost every season. The thick green leaves with serrated sides and the gel-like substance within these leaves have both been used for many different applications such as the improvement of digestive health, caring for the skin, removal of acne, treating wounds and cold sores, reducing constipation, and strengthening of the hair.

Aloe vera also readily available since it can be planted by anyone in any soil at any time at home or can be bought as a whole plant or can be gotten in commercial products like skin lotions, ointments, beverages, and cosmetics that contain aloe vera as a major ingredient. Some might be thinking about why and what makes Aloe vera so unique and special. Well, Aloe vera contains 19 out of 20 known amino acids necessary for any organism. Amino acids soften hardened skin cells. Aloe vera also stimulates collagen production to improve elasticity and dryness within the skin.

Moreso,  the juice or gel gotten from aloe vera has been shown to possess antibacterial qualities which makes it possible to prevent the skin peeling after excess sun exposure. Apart from the antimicrobial or antibacterial activities of Aloe vera, it also possesses anti-inflammatory properties and high water content that helps hydrate the skin.

Aloe vera has so many uses and performs different functions especially on the skin and face and when aloe vera is used regularly in the right way as a skin routine either alone or combined with some other natural skincare remedies, it provides nutrients to the skin that assists to treat, exfoliate, restore, reveal and provide constant, impressive nutrition to the human skin.

Aloe Vera Uses For Skin Care

The slimy texture of natural aloe vera gel is often not an issue since it is neither itchy nor does it cause any skin reactions, rather it cools the skin and also soothes it. Aloe vera also referred to as the miracle herb also treats wounds, heals minor cuts, moisturizes dry skin, and heals mild to severe burns on the skin. Detailed discussion in some specific benefits of aloe Vera on the skin are given below:

#1. Soothes Sunburn.

Aloe vera and it’s super moisturizing ability works wonders in treating sunburns. The anti-inflammatory properties of aloe Vera make this possible as well as the antioxidants present in the plants which are great for soothing and healing sunburns.

#2. Moisturizes The Skin

Unlike regular, market-bought moisturizers, Aloe Vera gel when used as a moisturizing gel does not leave a greasy film on the face and the skin, rather, it functions to soother and soften the skin. It can be used as an aftershave-treatment. This is because the Aloe Vera gel helps to keep the skin hydrated and heals burns by razor and smaller nicks & cuts. It also helps treat dry skin.

#3.  Heals Wounds

When the skin gets burnt, the healing process usually involves regrowth to cure the burn. Aloe vera stimulates the growth of new skin cells by enhancing epithelialization. A study that was carried out on mice showed that Aloe vera’s anti-inflammatory ability is of great value during the process of treating burns.  It was also noticed that Aloe vera gel freshly cut directly from the Aloe vera plant was more effective for first and second-degree burns when preserved properly as when compared to ointments and creams that contain Aloe vera.

The skin tries to repair itself naturally when rays from ultraviolet radiation cause damage to the skin molecules. This repair is spearhead by the immune system which tries to heal the skin by stimulating the release of anti-inflammatory proteins. These anti-inflammatory proteins increase the size of blood vessels around the affected area which allows more blood to flow and enter. Chemical reactions lead to inflammation of the skin, causing damaged skin cells to peel away. Aloe vera help ease sunburn symptoms and reduce inflammation because it contains 19 out of 20 known amino acids necessary for any organism. Amino acids soften hardened skin cells. Aloe vera also stimulates collagen production to improve elasticity and dryness within the skin.

#4. Benefits the Scalp

The scalp is also part of the skin and is prone to several forms of disorders such as dandruff characterized most times by itching and swelling of the scalp. Aloe vera through its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties could wash the discomfort these conditions bring to an individual and kill the source of the issue.

#5. Clears Up Acne

Pure aloe vera also protects the skin from inflammation as rightly said earlier, as well as damage, and skin hypersensitivity caused by UV exposure. As it moisturizes the skin, it enhances elastin and collagen production, thereby preventing wrinkle formation on the skin. This is all thanks to the amino acids and zinc in aloe vera which makes the skin soft while tightening the skin pores.

The presence of sugars and fatty acids in aloe vera is what makes it have very effective anti-inflammatory properties. In reality, aloe vera is actually made up of about 75 active ingredients, of which amino acids, salicylic acid, lignins, vitamins, minerals, saponins, and enzymes are all-inclusive.

Apart from that, aloe vera in its pure form is capable of promoting collagen synthesis and therefore assists wounds and scars heal faster. This ability to heal wounds and scars faster is great for healing scars caused by acne. But for the treatment of preexisting acne, just as many individuals do, apply the pure Aloe vera gel to the affected areas on the skin and let it get absorbed by the skin overnight, ensure to wash it off in the morning.

#6. Lightens The Face And Removes Dark Spots

Hyperpigmentation is a common and usually harmless condition among individuals all over the world, especially those with a lighter skin tone in which skin patches become darker in color than the surrounding skin. This darkening generally occurs when excess melanin which is the brown pigment responsible for producing normal skin color begins to form deposits on the skin. Sun exposure, medications such as drugs used for chemotherapy, acne, pregnancy, and hormone disorders amongst others, are the lead causes of hyperpigmentation.

To handle the skin problem of hyperpigmentation, many commercially produced chemical products are available. But for a natural and more effective solution, Aloe vera gel is highly recommended. Aloe vera either applied alone or mixed with some other natural fruits or substances could be a great help in the removal of dark spots and make the skin clear again.

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