How Much Does A Texas Longhorn Cow Cost

If you’re looking to invest in cattle, there are many things to consider. Longhorn cattle can be a good investment for someone who wants steaks or hamburgers on their dinner table. However, the cost of Texas longhorns will vary depending on the size of the animal and its purpose. If you want to buy mature cows instead of calves, you’ll need between $2,200 and $5,300 per cow.

About The Texas Longhorn

Texas longhorn cow
The Texas Longhorn

The Texas Longhorn is a breed of cattle known for its distinctively large and curved horns., which can extend to 120 inches tip to tip. Horns can have a slight upward turn at their tips or even a triple twist.

Texas Longhorns are known for their extremely diversified coloring; they can be any color from solid black to pure white with spots of other colors mixed in. Properly cared for, these cattle will stay healthy and strong until they are over 20 years old. Because of their hardiness, Texas Longhorns can withstand any weather conditions and do not require much care or maintenance. They are easy on the land as well, requiring less feed than other breeds because they are able to graze on grasses that most other cattle cannot eat.

Texas Longhorns are also known for having a very gentle temperament that allows them to be raised by families with children as well as elderly people who may not be able to tend other types of livestock. Their gentle temperament also makes them ideal pets for those who want a companion animal without all the work that goes into owning dogs or cats.

What two breeds make a Longhorn?

Two breeds of cattle make up the longhorn breed: Spanish retinto (criollo) stock and English cattle.

The Spanish retinto (criollo) stock is the foundation of all longhorns. It was developed in Spain by breeding Spanish cattle with wild cattle that were native to Africa and Asia. The resulting animals were larger than both their European ancestors and the wild cattle they had interbred with, and they had a characteristic hump on their shoulders. They were also hardy enough to withstand the harsh conditions of North America, which was then colonized by Europeans.

The second breed is English cattle, which are descended from northern European shorthorn stock brought over by settlers in North America as early as 1623. This breed was first imported into Texas in 1824 when it was used to crossbreed with Spanish retintos (criollo) stock to produce a larger animal that would be able to withstand long drives across harsh terrain without starving or dying from the disease.

Are Longhorns good cows?

Yes, longhorns are good cows. They have all the qualities you want in a cow: they’re great mothers, they’re good grazers and foragers, and most importantly of all, they’re tough enough to survive in harsh conditions. Longhorn cows can even handle cold weather.

Longhorns are a breed of American cow, and they are very popular in the United States. This is because they have many great qualities that make them excellent animals to raise on a farm or ranch. They are very hardy, which means they can live in harsh climates and survive without much care. They also have a high resistance to disease, which means that they don’t need to be vaccinated for things like worms or other parasites.

Longhorns also have a high tolerance for heat and cold weather, so they don’t need any special accommodations when it comes to climate conditions, they can just go outside and graze during the summer, and then come inside during the winter months when it gets cold outside. The Texas Longhorn is a medium-sized cow that typically weighs between 600 and 1,200 pounds, and each horn can extend more than 100 inches from the head.

The Longhorns’ fertility, exemplified by the breed’s ability to breed at a young age, has been a key to their survival. Their larger pelvic opening than most breeds and low birth weights almost guarantees a live calf at birth. One of the best benefits of raising Longhorn cattle is that the cows can not only deliver a live calf but also wean their calves to at least 40-50% of their body weight by weaning time. This is why many people consider Longhorns to be better producers than other breeds of livestock.

Finally, Longhorn cattle are known for their longevity, which is one reason they are favored by many ranchers. Longhorn cattle breed and calve well into their teen years with some continuing into their twenties. Their longevity results in more live calves over the years, which means more dollars in the producer’s pocket. It also means that fewer replacement heifers need to be retained for the herd.

Are Longhorn Cattle Friendly?

Longhorns are a very friendly breed of cattle, and they are usually very gentle. They are good with children and make excellent pets for families who want to keep them in a home setting.

They can also be raised as livestock on farms because they are not aggressive toward people or other animals. Longhorns are known for their docile nature, making them easy to handle, even when they have horns. As you can see, there’s no shortage of reasons why owning a longhorn cow would be an excellent decision for you or your family.

Texas Longhorns are hardy, adaptable animals that can survive in any climate. Their horns protect them from predators, including coyotes, wolves, and cougars, and their hardiness helped early settlers survive in the west. The breed is well suited to beginner or hobby farmers, but they are also perfect for commercial facilities. The respect these animals have earned over the years has ensured that only four variations exist today.

How much do Texas longhorns cost?

Generally, the Texas longhorn cow costs between $2,200 and $5,300 per cow. The actual cost depends on its pedigree, weight, gender, and breed. Yearlings sell for between $850 and $1,550. Cows will also differ in price based on whether or not they are dairy cows or beef cows.

There are also other factors that influence the cost such as whether or not you want to buy pregnant cows or not (pregnant cows are more expensive than non-pregnant ones), whether she has been bred before (fresher ones are more expensive) etc.

Related: How Much Does A Cow Cost In Texas & Where To Buy

What Are Longhorn Cows Good For? 

Texas Longhorns are a good all-around breed of cattle because they are multipurpose, adaptable animals. Longhorn cows are good for three things: beef, milk, and show.

The Texas Longhorn is primarily a beef animal, noted for its lean beef. The leanness of the meat is due to its low fat and cholesterol content, as well as its lower caloric content. The Texas Longhorn also has excellent hybrid vigor and easy calving abilities when crossed with other breeds.

Largely, they’re great for beef because they produce a lot of meat. Longhorns are also good for milk because they give much more than other breeds of cattle.

How Quickly Do the Horns of Longhorns Grow?

Longhorns are known for their horns, and they have a reputation for being tough. But how quickly do their horns grow?

Texas Longhorn cattle have large horns, and bulls’ horns reach about half the eventual length by one year of age. By four years, they have reached 95% of their maximum length. The horns of cows grow slower than those of bulls, reaching 50% of length at about 15 months, and continue to grow until about six years old when they slow drastically. Steers’ horns continue to grow throughout their lives because androgens are present in small amounts, allowing the growth plates in steers’ horns to remain unossified.

Steers also grow their horns throughout life, more slowly than bulls, because steers have lower levels of testosterone than bulls do. That means that the growth plate in their inner bony core doesn’t close up as it does in bulls (who have higher levels), so they can keep growing until they die or are harvested for meat (which isn’t recommended).

How much do you need to feed a longhorn?

A longhorn cow will voluntarily consume about 2 percent of their body weight or 24 pounds per day.

Texas Longhorn cattle are known for their ability to thrive on a diet of grasses, forbs, and weeds. This enables Texas Longhorn owners to use pastures that require less fertilizer and weed killers than other breeds of cattle. The lean beef produced by Texas Longhorns is higher in quality protein than fat.

It is recommended to feed them a hay diet and not grain, as they are designed to have long, straight hair to protect them from the cold weather. Longhorns can survive on this type of diet alone, but you may want to supplement their diet with grain and protein supplements if you want your longhorn cow to grow faster or produce milk for your family.

A longhorn cow’s diet should consist of 20% protein, 15% fat, and 60% carbohydrates (hay). A good rule of thumb when feeding your cow is: every 100 pounds she weighs requires 1 pound of hay per day plus 0.5 pounds each of grain and protein supplement (if needed).

Longhorn Health Problems and Diseases

Texas Longhorns are relatively hardy animals. They’re resistant to many of the diseases that plague other breeds of cattle, which makes them a great option for farmers who want healthy animals without having to spend too much time or money on their health care.

The Longhorns have hair on their udders that helps keep lice away from them; however, the hair can also lead to problems such as fly strike if not kept clean and free from debris. Longhorns also have wax in their ears that protects them from ticks, gnats, and flies; however, this can lead to ear infections if not kept clean as well.

As with most cattle, they should be vaccinated against common diseases and provided good pasture or hay, adequate minerals as needed for your area, and a source of clean drinking water. If hay or pasture quality is poor, supplement their diet on a seasonal basis. If Longhorns are getting sufficient nutrition (including minerals), and have been vaccinated as recommended by your vet, health problems are quite rare.

Can longhorn cattle survive cold weather?

Yes, longhorn cattle can survive cold weather. Longhorn cattle are incredibly adaptive to their environment. They can inhabit many types of terrain and withstand virtually all weather conditions.

Longhorn cattle are a resilient breed, which means they can survive in virtually any climate. They can thrive in tropical climates and also do well in northern Canada’s deep cold winters.

Longhorns can survive cold weather because they have a very thick double coat made up of long, coarse hair that sheds dirt and water easily. Longhorn cattle also have an extra layer of fat under the skin, which protects them from cold temperatures.

In addition to these physical adaptations, longhorns are highly intelligent animals that have excellent instincts for survival. They will find food when their natural sources are scarce, such as by eating leaves off of trees or plants until springtime returns with warmer temperatures so they can graze again normally.

Why do they have horns that long?

They may attract mates, but the main reason for their long, curved horns is protection. Longhorn cattle evolved in a time and place where predators were a constant threat to survival. Their ancestors needed to be able to defend themselves from other animals like wolves, cougars, jaguars, and bears. Their protective abilities gave them an advantage over other species of bovines who lacked such defenses. Longhorns also use their horns as weapons during fights with other animals or between male members of their own species over food and territory.

Through natural selection over many generations, the longhorn developed thick skin around its head and neck areas to protect itself from predators’ bites.

What is the life expectancy of a longhorn steer?

Longhorns can live up to 20 years. Some have been known to live for 30 years or more, but the average life expectancy of a longhorn steer is 15 years.

How long is a Longhorn in labor?

The time it takes for a cow to give birth varies depending on the individual. Some cows have gone through labor in as few as eight hours, while others take two days or more. This can cause problems if you are not prepared for this possibility and do not have a backup plan in place. It is best to expect that your longhorn will give birth within about eight hours so you can be prepared for when the calf arrives.

Just like with humans, each woman has her own unique process when giving birth to a child. Calves also vary in how long they take to arrive at their destination, some come into the world within minutes, while others take many hours longer than that. Regardless of which category your baby falls into (quick arrival or slow), there are some important things we should all know about what happens during this process:

  • The cow will start to relax and lie down. This is a good sign that the birth is almost near
  • You may see some bloody discharge coming out of her body, which is normal as she prepares for labor.
  • If your cow has had previous calves, you may notice that she starts licking herself, this is another sign that labor is near.

Calves are born with a fur coat and their eyes open. This means that they are able to see and move around shortly after birth. Calves can stand within an hour of being born, but will often lie down for part of this time as well.


If you’re looking for a cow to start your herd, we’d recommend buying mature cows over calves. The price range for a mature cow is between $2,200 and $5,300. You’ll save time and money compared to starting from scratch with a calf. When you buy an adult female who’s already had one or two calves of her own, she’ll be less likely to have problems during pregnancy and birth because she’s been through it before. You also won’t have to deal with the extra expense of raising a calf until he’s old enough for breeding himself, he’ll be ready when he gets there.

In conclusion,

You can find longhorn cattle for sale at your local livestock auction, or you can search online. Longhorns are a great choice for anyone who wants to add some character to their farm or ranch, but they aren’t cheap. The best thing about these cows is that they’re easy to care for and will provide you with years of enjoyment as long as you take care of them properly.

1 thought on “How Much Does A Texas Longhorn Cow Cost”

  1. Excellent and very informative reading material here on the Texas Longhorn . Thank you for the questions answered in detail …..very helpful and answered most questions I had .


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