Canine Ear Dissection Model for Veterinary Study



Theโ€‹ Canine Ear Dissection Model for Veterinary Study is a lifelike model for practicing ear examinations and surgeries. It is made of durable, realistic โ€‹materials and is anatomically accurate. This model features removable parts for easy ‍exploration of the โขear anatomy.

Professional: This two-sided canine earโ€‹ model shows a normal & a pathology side. The Canine Ear โคModel is aโข perfect display option for owner education in aโ€Œ veterinarian office. It can also be used as aโฃ teacher’s โขaccessory for classroom โฃdemonstrations. Use this in place of an anatomy poster.

Easy to carry: easy to recognize ear parts, small size design โขis easy โคto ‍carry, it can be stably placed onโค theโฃ table with the flat base.โ€‹ Avoid the slippage of the demonstration process, which is perfect for yourโ€Œ presentation.


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