Garden Safe Rooting Hormone for New Plant Growth


– Soil Moist 100064312 JCD-030SM 3-Pound Granules, White
– Reduces plant watering by 50%
– Lasts several seasons
– Garden Safe Take Root Rooting Hormone, 2 Ounce
– Promotes rooting and helps grow new plants from cuttings
– Works with most popular home, garden, and greenhouse varieties
– Contains indole-3-butyric acid for root development


Product Features:
1. Soil โ€ŒMoist Water Managementโข Polymer reduces plant watering by 50%
2. Lasts several seasons and reduces transplantingโฃ shock
3.โข Garden Safeโค Take Root Rooting Hormone โ€Œpromotes rooting and helps grow new plants from cuttings
4. Works with most popular home, garden, and greenhouse plant varieties
5. Active ingredient, indole-3-butyric acid, โ€‹promotes root development

Product Specifications:
1. Brand: Soil Moist
2. Item Weight:โ€‹ 3 pounds
3. Color: ‍White
4. Brand:โข Garden Safe
5. Item Weight: 2 ounces

Usage Guide:
1. For Soil Moist: Apply the granules to ‍indoor and outdoor plantsโฃ to reduce watering by 50%
2. For Garden Safe Take Root‍ Rooting Hormone: Moisten the plant cutting, stir theโค cutโฃ end in โคpowder, remove excess rooting hormone, and plant ‍in aโข rooting medium such as pottingโข soil. Mist regularly for best results.

Other Relevant Information:
– Both productsโ€‹ are suitable for indoor and outdoor plants
– The rootingโ€‹ hormone โคis made with natural-based and botanically derived formulas
– Garden Safe brand has โขbeen delivering garden products since โ€‹2002
– The active ingredientโ€‹ in the rooting hormone is similar โขto the naturally occurring rooting hormone in plants

Price: $12.23


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