Six Antibacterial Herbs For Skin You Should Try (With Pictures)

Types Of Plants Used To Treat Skin Diseases

Various skin diseases abound in the world today and it has become an issue of medical concern because it affects people of all ages – from newborns to the aging adults and the effects range from mild to severe harm in different ways and patterns. Since the skin is an essential part of the human body, it is very crucial to keep the skin healthy to ensure an overall healthy body.

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Medicinal Plants And Traditional Plants In Africa

African Traditional Herbs

The sum of knowledge, skills, and practices based on the theories, beliefs, and experiences indigenous to different cultures that are used to maintain health, as well as to prevent, diagnose, improve, or treat physical and mental illnesses is known as traditional medicine. Complementary or alternative medicine is the traditional medicine adopted by other people outside their indigenous culture.

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Six (6) Medicinal Plants Used In Treatment Of Cancer

Plant Used For Cancer Treatment

Cancer has become one of the major problems and diseases which have caused predominant deaths; it surpasses deaths from heart diseases. Cancer is considered to be a lifetime risk for patients. Cancer is a group of about 100 diseases. It is characterized by two things: no control for the growth of cancer cells, and the ability of the cancer cells to transfer from the original site to different parts of the body.

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Botanical Names Of Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants

Medicinal plants have evolved over the centuries as essential parts of African civilization and are widely recognized today as representing its rich cultural and scientific heritage. The increasing demand for medicinal plant products has renewed interest in the pharmaceutical industry in the production of herbal health care formulations, herbal-based cosmetic products, and herbal nutritional supplements.

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