When To Spray MSMA On Bermuda

If you’re looking for a way to keep your Bermuda grass lush and green, then MSMA herbicide is the answer. MSMA is a non-selective post-emergent broadleaf herbicide that controls all types of broadleaf weeds in tall fescue and bermuda grasses. It’s also very effective at controlling crabgrass and other annual grassy weeds. You should apply MSMA when you first notice signs of crabgrass or dandelions starting to sprout

Bermuda Grass

Bermuda grass is a perennial warm-season grass that grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 11. It has a deep-green color, clumps up into mounds, and spreads out at the base to form mats. A healthy Bermuda lawn will be dense and springy when you walk on it; if your lawn is thin or feels spongy instead, you could have an unhealthy turfgrass problem.

The best way to tell if your Bermuda grass is dead or dying is simply by looking at it: If your lawn has brown patches or seems patchy overall, then it may need spraying with Msma herbicide for Bermuda grass control in order to revive its healthiness with this product’s nonselective killing power against unwanted weeds without harming any other plants around them, like trees.

When applied correctly according to manufacturer directions (we’ll get into those later), anything else growing alongside the target weeds will remain unharmed throughout their application process–but please note that these herbicides aren’t safe around pets either.

Description of Msma Herbicide

Monosodium methanearsonate (MSMA) is an organic arsenical pesticide currently registered for use in the United States. MSMA is a broad-spectrum herbicide used to control grasses and broadleaf weeds. It can only be used on cotton, sod farms, golf courses, and highway rights-of-way, and cannot be used in Florida except for on cotton in certain counties.

MSMA is a preemergence herbicide that is used to control certain annual grasses, especially annual bluegrass and green foxtail. It can also be used as a post-emergence herbicide to control broadleaf weeds in soybeans and corn.

MSMA works by being absorbed into the foliage of plants where it interrupts the growth of meristems causing them to die back or prevent them from forming new growth. This causes plants to lose their ability to photosynthesize which leads them to eventually die off. The herbicide must come into contact with leaves in order for it to work effectively; therefore, it cannot be used as a non-selective treatment because there is no guarantee that all parts of your yard will get sprayed due to wind or rain.

How To Prepare For Msma Application

-Make sure it’s not too hot or too cold. The temperature should be between 60 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit (15 to 32 Celsius). It won’t work if you spray when it’s extremely cold or hot.

-Don’t apply msma when rain is forecasted for the next 24 hours. You may still be able to spray if you see a heavy storm, but wait until at least two hours after the last rainfall before applying msma.

-Make sure grass isn’t too tall or dense (it shouldn’t be more than 2 inches high). If it is, mow first so that all blades of grass are no more than 2 inches high when they’re dry and ready for treatment with msma herbicide.

-Have enough msma on hand (start with an entire container)

MSMA Mixing Instructions

To mix the MSMA, you’ll need to follow the directions on your product label. If you’re using a premixed solution of MSMA and water, be sure to adhere to the mixing instructions given. Generally, this will involve adding one part of MSMA concentrate (which comes in liquid or granular form) to four parts of water. Mix thoroughly until completely dissolved.

If you’re mixing an undiluted solution in a bucket or other large container, make sure that all containers are properly labeled with their contents so you don’t accidentally mix them up later on in the process.

Follow the below instructions for the effective application of MSMA herbicide

Step 1: To apply the most effective MSMA, first measure your treatment area in square feet. Multiply the length and width of your treatment area (length x width = square feet). The average application rate is 1 fluid ounce of product per 1,000 square feet, but it depends on the size of your targeted weed. Mix and application rates can vary depending on the treatment area, but the typical application rate is between 1000 and 5000 square feet per gallon of water. Be sure to read the label for specific rates for your targeted area and weed.

Step 2: Determine how much MSMA hebicide you need for your targeted area. Mix the chemical at a ratio of 1 ounce per gallon of water, filling the spray tank halfway with water. Add the chemical to the spray tank and then fill it the rest of the way with water to mix thoroughly.

Step 3: When spraying for weeds, mow the grass to a height of 1 to 1.5 inches before application. Apply the solution to the desired area at low-pressure with a fan-spray setting for uniform coverage. Make uniform and thorough applications to targeted weeds to the point of wet, and do not water for at least 24 hours after application. When spraying on highway rights of way, spray to the point of runoff.

When to spray msma on bermuda

The best time to spray msma on Bermuda is when it is actively growing. This means that you should be spraying during the spring and fall months, as these are when grasses receive their most sunlight and nutrients. If you are going to spray your lawn with MSMA in the spring, it’s best to wait until after your last frost date for the year. Be sure not to apply MSMA too early in the year (think February) or too late in the year (think December), as this may cause damage to your lawn from cold temperatures or warm temperatures respectively.

How much MSMA do you use per acre?

The use rate for MSMA is a bit tasking because it depends on your soil type and the size of your lawn. If you’re using a granular or liquid formulation of MSMA, apply at a rate of 2.5 to 6 pints per 40 to 50 gallons of water per acre. For small areas, use 1 to 2 fluid ounces in 5 gallons per 1,000 square feet. Also, If you’re using a soil-applied foaming agent like Aloft, use 3 fluid ounces per 1000 square feet of lawn area—and that’s about what I used on my own small yard last year.

How long does MSMA need to be on before rain?

One thing to consider when applying MSMA is how long it takes for the product to be absorbed by Bermuda. It does not take long for the product to dry, but if you’re applying in the fall or spring, make sure that you apply before the first hard frost hits. Don’t water for at least 24 hours after applying to targeted weeds a solution that is as even and thorough as a straightedge.

The first rain after application can wash away your MSMA treatment and kill your Bermuda grass. If you want to avoid this scenario altogether, make sure that you apply before the first hard frost hits in either season (fall or spring).

How long should you wait to mow after spraying MSMA?

Do you want the grass to be green and tall? Or brown and dead? If your answer is “green,” then you’re going to want to wait until after all of the MSMA has dried. But if it’s “brown,” then go ahead and mow right away.

Be sure not to mow too soon after spraying, though—you’ll end up with clumps of grass in various stages of dying all over your lawn. The ideal time frame depends on how much sunlight there is on any given day, but generally speaking, wait until the grass has turned completely brown or yellow before taking out your mower or trimmer.

How long does it take MSMA to work?

You may be wondering, “How long does it take MSMA to work?” The answer is: it depends. It can take anywhere from two weeks to three weeks for the herbicide to show results, depending on how much MSMA you use and whether you spray it at all.

You might find yourself asking, “When should I spray my Bermuda grass?” That question is actually a bit easier to answer than the first one; there are very few circumstances in which we recommend spraying your lawn before it’s time. If you’ve already sprayed your lawn with an amount of MSMA that won’t make any difference whatsoever, then go ahead. But if not, and especially if your yard has been treated before, you should wait until late summer or early fall when the leaves turn brown and die back naturally on their own before making any changes.

What temperature can you spray MSMA?

You can spray MSMA between temperatures 70°F and 90°F degrees.

It’s important to keep in mind that this is the temperature that you can actually spray it at. You should also consider how long it will take for the material to dry, as well as how fast the temperature will drop when you leave it out in the sun. Make sure you are aware of these factors before deciding how long to let your materials sit outside before applying them.

Can I mix 2,4-D with MSMA?

Yes, you can mix 2,4-D with MSMA. But don’t get too excited—it’s not as simple as just putting a few drops of each in your sprayer. You should never apply 2,4-D and MSMA to the same area within 7 days of each other; this is because they’re both nonselective herbicides that kill everything in their path. If you do this on purpose it’s called “mixing”, and if it happens accidentally it’s called “coincidence.”

This MSMA and 2, 4-D combination is top-notch. It offers superior post-emergent control over crabgrass, dallisgrass, sandburs, clover, and many other tough weeds in sensitive warm-season turf.

Mixing these two chemicals is dangerous because they both have similar properties: they both kill broadleaf weeds but only if applied at certain times of the year; they both cause damage to foliar tissues (leaves), and they both persist in the environment for long periods of time after application (at least 1 year). If you combine them into one sprayer or tank, their combined effects could kill plants that normally wouldn’t be affected by either chemical alone.

Is msma safe for animals?

No. MSMA is toxic to fish and aquatic organisms, honeybees, and birds. Because of its toxicity, it is also toxic to wildlife that lives in or near lawns treated with this product. So, if you have a dog or cat that loves playing in the yard, make sure he/she stays out of the grass for at least three days after application.

Is there a substitute for msma

If you’re looking for a substitute for msma, the answer is no. There is NO alternative to msma for mowing down those pesky bermuda grasses that are resistant to it. Other products may kill your lawn and cause it to turn brown but they won’t kill the roots of your Bermuda grass so they will grow back stronger and more resistant than ever before.

Is it too late to spray msma

So, you’ve decided to spray msma on your Bermuda lawn. That’s great. You’re definitely not too late for that. In fact, there are several advantages to spraying msma in the spring and summer months. The reason that you shouldn’t apply it in the fall is because it can be harmful to animals who like to bury themselves in the grass while they hibernate. When sprayed with msma before winter sets in, these animals get sick or die from eating poisoned grass. It sounds like a horror story but it’s true.

So when should you apply msma? Well it depends on where you live and how much time you have (or don’t have). If you live somewhere really hot like Florida or Texas then any time between March 1st and October 31st will work fine if conditions allow for application of this product without any issues arising from temperature changes affecting its effectiveness (which we’ll talk about next).

But if temperatures drop below 50 degrees Fahrenheit during those times then maybe hold off until spring/summer again because cold weather can cause problems with how well plants absorb nutrients through their roots which makes them less effective at fighting off pests, and even worse than having no pest control at all.

How often can you apply MSMA?

You can apply MSMA up to four times per growing season. This means you can spray your bermudagrass as soon as it turns green in the spring and again when it starts to turn brown again in the fall, but don’t spray more than two times within this period.

Spraying later in the season is beneficial because it allows for better coverage of your lawn with less chance of burning the grass. The more fertilizer is applied, the greener and denser your turf will be. This makes sense; however, if you apply too much fertilizer at one time without giving adequate recovery time between applications, there is an increased risk of burning or damaging your Bermuda grass lawn.

If there are any issues with weeds present before fertilization takes place, they should be dealt with first so that when weeding occurs after fertilization has taken place there won’t be any residual damage on topsoil near roots due to previous fertilizer application activities (such as spraying).


When using MSMA, it’s important to keep in mind the following precautions:

-Do not apply MSMA on wet grass. If possible, wait until Bermuda is dry enough for you to walk on it without leaving footprints.

-Don’t apply MSMA when temperatures are above 85 degrees Fahrenheit. At these temperatures, the chemical will evaporate before it reaches Bermuda and does nothing at all. It’s also a good idea to check with your local extension office before applying this product if you’re worried about temperature extremes in your area during the late spring and summer months.

The extension office may recommend waiting until mid-June or early July before applying any pesticides so that they have time to work their magic, and so that there aren’t so many bugs around to eat up your beautiful lawn as soon as you make it look nice.

-Don’t apply MSMA if rain is forecast within 24 hours of application (unless otherwise directed by an agricultural professional). This will help ensure that all of those beautiful chemicals stay where they need to be, on top of your lawn.

You don’t want to apply MSMA when your grass is drought-stressed, or if you plan to do any overseeding in the coming weeks

If you are overseeding or have plans to do so in the next month or two, it’s a good idea to hold off on spraying. Spraying while your grass is green will cause some of the seed to die before it takes root. This results in an uneven lawn that is thin in some areas and dense in others. If you have decided to spray MSMA now instead of later on this season, then wait until your grass becomes fully green again before beginning any seeding projects–this way you’ll get a nice even coverage from start to finish.

In conclusion, msma is a great herbicide to use on your Bermuda grass. Just be sure to follow the instructions and precautions associated with it.

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