German-made Liquid Fertilizer for Rare Plants



The German-made Liquid Fertilizer for Rare Plants is a ⁣premium quality​ plant fertilizer specifically designed for rare plants. It contains a⁤ balanced‌ mix of nutrients ‌that promote healthy growth and vibrant blooms. With a‍ potent⁢ formula and easy application, it is⁢ perfect for enthusiasts looking to nurture their precious plant collection.

Key Features:

– Contains highest quality raw materials and chelates ⁣for optimal nutrient absorption
– Developed by⁣ experienced⁣ gardeners and botanists ⁢in Germany/Austria
– Matched nutrient combinations available for over 100 plant species
– Concentrated and effective fertilizers
– Easy to use with dosage​ instructions included


– Content: 250 ml
– Suitable for plants like Brighamia insignis, Ōlulu, Alula, Vulcan Palm, Cabbage on a Stick, Campanulaceae
– Can be administered via roots or as a foliar fertilizer


– Provides rapid effects for healthy and bright green leaves, stable branches, strong bud formation, and balanced rooting
– Economical concentrate with simple dosage using the cap
-‌ Developed based on current knowledge in plant propagation and cultivation


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