GUTINNEEN Large Movable Chicken Coop with Nesting Boxes



The GUTINNEEN Large Movable Chicken ​Coop is⁢ a spacious ⁣coop designed to comfortably house multiple chickens. It features a movable design for easy transportation, a large living area with nesting boxes, and a sturdy wire mesh to protect your poultry‌ from predators. Perfect for backyard ​chicken owners.

This chicken coop is a great option for those looking to raise a small⁢ flock of chickens in their backyard. It offers plenty of space, protection, and convenience for both you and your⁤ feathered friends. Consider adding the GUTINNEEN⁢ Large Movable Chicken Coop with Nesting Boxes to your‍ cart today and give your chickens a comfortable and secure home.

Key Features:
1. Multiple nesting boxes
2. Spacious interior for chickens to roam
3. Wheels for easy movement
4. Sturdy wood⁢ construction

Product Specifications:
– ⁤Dimensions: 70.8 x 40.2 x 25.6 inches
– Weight: 112 pounds
– Inner Space: 26 ft²
– ‌Capacity: 6-10‌ Chickens
– Customer Reviews: 3.8 out ⁤of 5 stars (167)
– Price: $219.99

Usage Guide:
– Suitable for housing 6-10 chickens
– Easy to move around with​ wheels
– Made⁢ of durable wood‍ construction
– Provides a comfortable living space for chickens
– Check customer reviews for feedback on product performance

With the GUTINNEEN Large Movable Chicken Coop with Nesting Boxes, you can ​easily⁤ move your chickens to different areas of your yard or‍ property, allowing them to graze on fresh ⁢grass and bugs. The multiple​ nesting boxes provide a‍ safe and cozy space for your hens to lay eggs, and the pull-out trays make cleaning up after them a breeze.


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