
Humboldts Secret Flower Stacker Nutrient System (32oz) w/ Everything Kit

Original price was: $71.95.Current price is: $63.60.


The Humboldts Secret Flower​ Stacker Nutrient​ System (32oz) ⁢w/ Everything Kit is a complete plant nutrient ‌system for bloom ​phase. This ‌kit includes all necessary supplements and​ enhancers for ‌maximizing flower yield and ‌quality. It is designed to be⁢ simple to use and effective for all⁤ types of plants.

Key Features:
1. Humboldts Secret Flower Stacker ⁢and The Everything Kit for plant cultivation
2. Flower Stacker increases yields by up to 30%
3. Flower Stacker tailored ‍for indoor and outdoor plants in ‌potting soil
4. The Everything Kit includes ‍plant food for indoor house plants, outdoor use, and all plant types
5. Comprehensive⁤ nutrient profiles in liquid concentrate and powder plant ​foods
6. Enhances‍ nutrient uptake, soil structure, and stress resistance
7. The Everything Indoor 3-3-3 NPK and Everything Outdoor 5-5-5 NPK formulas included

Product Specifications:
– Includes ‍Humboldts Secret Flower Stacker (8 oz) & Humboldts Secret Everything Kit
– Flower Stacker enriched with Vitamin B1,⁣ phosphorus, and potassium
– The Everything Kit includes balanced nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, kelp, and other ​nutrients
– Suitable for various plant types, growth stages, ‍and settings

Usage Guide:
– Use Flower Stacker ‍to enhance flower ⁤density and yield
– Apply The Everything ​Kit plant food based on specific plant needs
– Follow instructions for optimal growth and maximum crop yields



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