Organic Plant Food Bundle: Sulfur & Bone Meal Fertilizer



The ​Organic Plant Food Bundle ‌includes sulfur and bone meal fertilizer, both rich in essential ‌nutrients for plant growth. Sulfur aids in soil acidity⁤ balance, while bone meal provides phosphorus and calcium for healthy roots and blooms. Suitable for organic gardening practices.
Key Features:
– True ​Organic Prilled Sulfur: 5⁢ lb ‍granular fertilizer and ⁢soil acidifier for organic gardening
– Burpee Bone Meal Fertilizer: 3 lb pack for strong⁤ root development
– Organic and natural​ ingredients
– Made in the USA
– OMRI listed for organic gardening

Product Specifications:
– True Organic Prilled Sulfur: ‌5 lb bag covers ⁤up to 1,333 sq ft
– Burpee Bone Meal Fertilizer: Fine granular consistency⁤ for easy spreading

Usage Guide:
– Test soil pH before applying
– ‍Apply one to two weeks before planting and feeding
– Follow packaging instructions for amount ​to use
– Ideal for new bedding ​plants, root and bulb crops,⁤ and patio containers


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