The 14 Best Herbs for Indigestion & Stomach Problems

The kinds of food we eat and how we eat them cause problems like indigestion and other digestive disorders; these can all be managed or corrected by having deep knowledge and understanding of the use of foods and herbs to use for self-care.

The intestinal tract absorbs nutrients and expel waste, to help us digest food and eliminate toxins from our bodies. This action can be distorted by indigestion which makes the intestinal tract very uncomfortable, and sometimes even painful. We’ve gathered a list of the top 14 best herbs for indigestion that can help you get rid of your chronic stomach pain and discomfort.

What is indigestion?

Indigestion is a common digestive disorder characterized by discomfort and pain in the upper abdomen; it is usually accompanied by bloating, belching, and heartburn. Indigestion occurs when your stomach keeps turning and churning as it tries to digest food. It affects the digestive system and causes stomach discomfort.

Indigestion happens for many reasons, including eating too much and not chewing well enough, eating foods that are too acidic or too spicy for your body chemistry, eating foods that don’t agree with your body chemistry (like dairy), and stress.

The symptoms of indigestion include:

  • Bloating and gas
  • Feeling full after eating little or no food
  • Tummy pain and discomfort

Foods To Avoid When Experiencing Indigestion

When experiencing indigestion, it’s important to avoid foods that can make the pain worse. Here are some examples:

  • Caffeine-rich drinks such as coffee and tea
  • Hot or spicy food
  • Alcohol
  • Candy (especially hard candy)
  • Chocolate
  • Dairy products such as cheese and milk
  • Fatty foods: Fatty foods will make your stomach feel full faster than other foods do, which can trigger indigestion symptoms

Causes of Indigestion And Stomach Problems 

So many factors lead to indigestion and affect the digestive health of humans greatly. These factors could stem from stress-related issues, lack of adequate sleep, an unhealthy diet, alcohol overuse, smoking, excessive weight gain, liver malfunctioning, blood circulation, mood swings, lack of exercise, poor food quality, and so on.

We all need to be mindful of our digestive health no matter our age or sex or body weight and this can be carried out effectively by clearly understanding the basic digestive functions and being mindful of your body.

The digestive system is a very amazing part of the body system. That system begins to digest food the moment the eyes are set on the food. Some might wonder how this is possible. Well, when the eyes see the food and the nose picks up the aroma of the food, the salivary gland is automatically awakened and made to start producing saliva which is where starch and other sugars are broken down.

This is no wonder why digestive bitters are so good to take medicinally; they stimulate a similar reaction by igniting the taste buds to set off the production of digestive juices, from saliva to bile. When food is chewed properly, it promotes healthy digestion because the food is already in a smaller form which makes the digestion process both easier and faster for the body to handle.

Best Herbs For Indigestion

Making regular use of herbs as part of a daily routine does so much good than harm to the body. Even something as simple as drinking a cup of herbal tea each day will offer amazing benefits to the overall body functioning and definitely helps in easing stomach issues and problems related to digestion. Some herbs that effectively treat indigestion include :

#1. Peppermint

This cool and mood-brightening herb is a herbal carminative that helps to take care of indigestion and other digestive discomfort. You can use it by itself, or add it to other herbs that you have purchased. It can be used as a tea or added to water.

#2. Dandelion Leaf and Root

The whole part of this plant can actually be used as a medicinal tea for its bitter liver-supporting properties. The leaves especially, can be eaten as food and enjoyed in salad, pesto, and many more kinds of dishes.

#3. Fennel

Fennel has a sweet and soothing feel and taste and some might actually not consider it as a herbal tea, but it actually is because each seed contains essential oils rich with anethole and fenchone which are well known for their ability to ease bloating and gas.

#4. Ginger

Ginger is a well-known warming carminative that can be used to relieve indigestion, motion sickness, and cramping. It can be added to teas, used alone as ginger tea, or even added to water if you prefer not to use tea bags.

#5. Tumeric

Tumeric is a carminative herb which implies that it can function greatly to relieve bloating, support the way the liver works, act as an anti-microbial, and also as a powerful anti-inflammatory herb which is just perfect for handling digestive problems.

#6. Caraway

Caraway is a supreme herb for the digestive system. It eases stomach cramps and nausea, helps expel gas from the bowel and prevents fermentation in the stomach.

#7. Lemon Balm

The Lemon balm has been used for thousands of years as an aromatic nervine to support digestion and calm frazzled nerves.

#8. Chamomile

This flower is very common among people and aids in providing not just good sleep but also acts as a calming flower that eases digestion and relaxes twitchy tummies.

#9. Slippery Elm

This demulcent herb soothes gastrointestinal tissues, making digestive problems a thing of the past.

#10. Calendula

Traditionally, herbalist places this herb on high value using it to make different forms of salads since it can be used as a gentle demulcent that moistens and soothe digestive tissue.

#11. Rosemary

Rosemary is a stimulating carminative that helps to clear the liver and head functioning well for digestion.

#12. Dill

Dill a herb that helps calm the nerves and body in general and is also used as a natural sedative to ensure one gets to sleep without any form of disturbance and dispel colic and cramping pain. It is also used as a major constituent in the production of gripe water.

#13. Allspice

Allspice is warming and settling to the gut. The eugenol content promotes digestive enzymes and is analgesic and antiseptic. This herb also works best when it is taken as a tea after a nice meal.

#14. Lavender

Lavender is a plant or better still, a flower used by many for its amazing fragrance. But this plant does more than make a rook or person smell better, it also provides essential oils that help to calm raging nerves as well as upset stomachs.

Final Thoughts,

This article has reviewed the best herbs for indigestion, and we hope that you have found it helpful. These herbs can help relieve the pain and discomfort of indigestion by reducing inflammation in the digestive tract. They may also help to reduce acid reflux or heartburn.

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