Best Ways To Manage And Calm An Aggressive Cat

Cats are lovely creatures with one of the best temperaments among animals that are usually kept as pets. Cats display calm attributes but also possess some certain kinds of behavioral issues such as litter box issues and aggression.

Having an aggressive cat in the home is a very dangerous thing because it could cause harm to other family members, young children, and babies as well as guests or visitors and guests and even other pets in the house. They could cause harm with their claws and teeth in form of injuries. There are many things that could cause aggressive behaviors in cats such as underlying health issues, being among many cats and other pets, or environmental-related issues as well as a host of others. Early recognition of the causes of this aggressive behavior could be key in resolving the issues.

Signs of aggressive behavior include some that are observed in the face and head such as dilated pupils, ears flattened backward on the head and others are shown by body postures such as a tail held erect with hairs raised and an arched back.

Steps To Manage And Calm An Aggressive Cat

#1. Solve Underlying Medical Causes

Different types of diseases such as hyperthyroidism, osteoarthritis, dental disease, and central nervous system problems are likely to trigger aggression in cats. Therefore, it is always best to consult a veterinarian to ensure that no medical issue is the cause of such aggressive behaviors. When it has been ruled out that there is no medical condition causing it, then a behaviorist should be contacted to find the main cause.

#2. Do Not Allow Your Cat Fight

Cats can become distracted when they become aggressive by actions such as whistling, a loud clap of hands, or spray water from a water gun or hose. It is better to distract them this way than allowing them to get into a fight because rather than solving the issue, it makes it even worse.

#3. Neuter The Cats.

Males who have not been neutered are more likely to display aggressive behaviors. So it is advisable to neuter them when they are young more preferable to reduce the aggressive behavior. An important thing to note is never to touch a cat or try to put it during an aggressive bout because it could be very dangerous and harmful at that moment.

#4. Use Calming Diffusers And Sprays

Many veterinary pharmaceutical companies have produced products that have been specifically made for calming these cats down when they become aggressive. These diffusers and sprays are natural imitators of pheromones of cats and make them calm and feel secure when used on them.

#5. Separate Cats’ Usables (feeding bowl and others)

For cat owners who have multiple cats, it will be best to make arrangements for separate resources such as many food bowls that look the same, beds, and even litter boxes all around this will reduce the level of competition between the cats and they will all get to do things at the same time without struggling with one another and getting stressed and becoming aggressive.

#6.  Alternative Stimulation

Cats usually need a way to expend their energy, providing means for them to use up a lot of energy will reduce their aggression. For example, activities like scratching posts, climbing perches, and cat condos are places where cats can both expend energy and get privacy.

Cats can also get calm and stimulated by playing with them but only when they are very calm and not displaying any aggressive signs. And if while playing you notice the cat is beginning to get aggressive, halt the playtime and continue later when it is more relaxed.

#7. Give Space When Cat Becomes Aggressive

When the cat gets aggressive, it is best to give it enough spacebar to cool off and not try to calm or pet it at that particular moment. It may transfer the aggression to you if you try to get closer and even cause injuries. In fact, it is better to find or create spots for the cat to stay and alone without any interruption when this starts. After some time of she displaying her aggressiveness and she is a bit calm, one can then soothe and calm her with love.

#8. Behavioral Modification

Behavior modification is a way in which a cat’s behavior can be fine-tuned to the desired one usually through the help of and supervision of an animal behaviorist. This kind of training helps the cat realize that there are actually good and bad behaviors it must display or avoid respectively and that it needs to change those bad behaviors. For example, a cat that gets aggressive when people want to pick it up should have that character modified employing dropping treats or snacks for it before picking it up, so it knows that for it to get such treats or snacks, it needs to be carried.

#9. Encouraging And Rewarding Good Behavior

Whenever you observe the cat acting in a way or manner that is less aggressive and more friendly, praise her and then send treats and snacks her way as a means of encouragement for her to keep it up.

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