How Much Does An 8 Months Old Cat Weigh

The weight of a cat depends on many factors; the most prominent factors are the gender and the breed. Some cat breeds are bred to grow big, while others are bred to be small in size. In addition, Male cats are generally heavier than female cats even within the same breed.

8 months kittens are almost adult cats; they are steadily adding weight. The weight of cats at 8 months is part of the indication of the cat’s health status. But before that, Let’s at a look at the ideal weight for 8-month-old cats, the breed difference, and other important health tips for cats of this age group.

8 Months Old Cat

Cats Growth Rate in the First Year

Kittens grow rapidly in the first 6 months of life. They reach about half their adult size by 4 months old and then start to taper off. By the time kittens reach 8 months old, their growth rate has slowed down considerably compared to the first 6 months.

While kittens grow quickly early on, their rate of growth starts to decline after 6 months as they near their adult size. An 8-month-old kitten is past the rapid growth phase and is more closely approaching its mature adult weight.

Male kittens tend to be slightly heavier than females at each stage of development. This is due to natural differences between the sexes. On average, male cats end up 10-20% larger than females once fully grown. So an 8-month-old male kitten may weigh more than a female of the same age.

Typical Weight Range for 8-Month-Old Cats

At around 8 months old, kittens are nearing their adult size and their growth is starting to slow down. However, they still have some filling out to do. The average weight for an 8-month-old kitten is between 7-10 pounds. Male cats generally weigh more than females.

  • For males, the typical weight range is 7.5-11 pounds at 8 months old.
  • For females, the typical range is 6.5-9 pounds.

At 8 months, Kittens should have a rounded, muscular body and visible waist. You should be able to easily feel but not see their ribs. An overweight kitten will have no waist and excessive fat deposits. An underweight kitten will feel bony and thin.

Weight issues like underweight and overweight are detrimental to the cat’s well-being. Weighing your kittens regularly is one of the ways to prevent these weight issues as a pet owner. I recommend you monitor your kitten’s growth and adjust their diet to maintain an ideal weight.

Related: Treatment Guide For Underweight and Overweight Cat

Cat Breeds & Healthy Weight Range

Cats come in all shapes and sizes; in essence, there can be significant differences in typical weights between breeds. Some breeds tend to be lighter or heavier than the average.

For example, Siamese cats are typically lean and lightweight for their size, while Maine Coons are medium-large to large breeds that can be substantially heavier. Maine Coons in particular reach their full adult weight later than other breeds, around age 3-5.

Other lighter breeds include Oriental Shorthairs, Cornish Rex, and Devon Rex. Heavier breeds include Norwegian Forest Cats, Ragdolls, British Shorthairs, and Persian cats. Mixed-breed domestic cats tend to fall somewhere in the middle.

It’s important to understand the typical size range for your specific cat’s breed. A lean Siamese may be a healthy weight at 7-8 pounds, while a Maine Coon might not reach an ideal adult weight until 12-15 pounds. Consult your vet if you are unsure what weight range is healthiest for your cat’s breed.

Cat Weight Chart

This cat weight chart provides guidelines for the ideal weight range based on a cat’s age, breed, and sex. These charts help gauge if a cat’s weight falls within a healthy range or is considered under or overweight.

Life stageAgeWeight
KittenNew born5 ounces
1 weeks12 ounces
2 weeks15 ounces
3 weeks1 pound
4 – 8 weeks3 pounds
9 – 12 weeks4 pounds
17 – 20 weeks5 – 6 pounds
Junior6 months – 12 months6 – 10 pounds
AdultAbove 1 yearAbove 10 pounds

Consulting a weight chart tailored specifically for 8-month-old kittens can help provide an ideal weight target. Veterinarians often use this weight chart as a reference when examining cats during yearly checkups.

How To Monitor Cat’s Weight

Keeping an eye on your kitten’s weight as it grows is important to ensure healthy development. Here are some tips for monitoring your 8-month-old cat’s weight:

– Use a pet scale to weigh your kitten regularly. Aim to weigh monthly or biweekly. This allows you to track weight gain over time and catch any abnormal fluctuations early.

– Note any sudden weight changes of more than 1/2 pound up or down over a short time. Sudden increases or decreases in weight can indicate an underlying health issue.

– Compare current weight to previous recordings to watch the trajectory. Kittens should gain weight steadily in their first year as they grow.

– Weigh at the same time each instance for consistency. First thing in the morning before eating is ideal.

– Record each weight measurement and the date. Tracking over time provides the full picture.

– Use the weight tracking to discuss any concerns with your veterinarian at your kitten’s regular wellness exams.

Monitoring your kitten’s weight gain with a scale allows you to ensure your pet is growing healthfully and alert you to any potential problems. Consistency is key for getting accurate measurements. Discuss major fluctuations with your vet.

Feeding Recommendations for 8-Month-Old Cats

By 8 months of age, your kitten is still growing and needs proper nutrition to support its development. It’s important to continue feeding your 8-month-old kitten food specifically formulated for kittens until 12 months of age. Kitten food contains extra calories and nutrients needed for growth compared to adult cat food. 

When feeding your 8-month-old kitten, follow the feeding guidelines on the food package based on your kitten’s weight. Kitten food packages provide a feeding chart or table indicating the correct amount to feed per day based on your kitten’s weight range. Stick to the recommended daily amounts rather than free-feeding, as this will ensure your kitten is getting proper nutrition without overeating.

Weigh your kitten regularly and adjust the daily feeding amount accordingly if its weight changes. It’s also a good idea to divide the total daily food into 3-4 small meals fed throughout the day for kittens. This helps ensure proper digestion and prevents gorging.

Related: Homemade Kitten Milk Replacer: 3 Recipes & Procedures

Exercise Needs For 8 Months Old Cat

Kittens have a lot of energy and need active playtime and exercise starting at around 8 months old. At this age, kittens are becoming more energetic and playful. It’s important to engage them in active play sessions several times per day.

Interactive toys are great for getting kittens moving and burning off energy. Wands with toy mice or feathers on strings are excellent for mimicking hunting behaviors and keeping your kitten engaged. Laser pointers allow kittens to chase and pounce. Puzzle feeders and treat balls add mental stimulation along with physical activity as kittens bat and roll around.

Dedicated playtime is essential for kittens to develop muscles, coordination, and behavioral skills. Active play and exercise also help prevent obesity and other health issues. Aim for at least two or three interactive play sessions per day, each lasting 10-15 minutes or more.

This will keep your 8-month-old kitten stimulated and prevent boredom or destructive behaviors. Be sure to provide a variety of toys to keep them engaged. With plenty of daily exercise and play, your kitten will stay active and healthy.

In conclusion,

Keeping your 8-month-old kitten at a healthy weight with consistent weighing, exercise, and proper feeding will ensure the healthy growth and development of the cat. A healthy 8-month-old cat’s weight does not fluctuate by more than a pound from week to week. This is why it is important to keep track of your cat’s weight, particularly if you have recently adopted or acquired the pet.

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