How Much Should An 11 Months Old Cat Weigh

Your cat’s weight and growth are important for their well-being, so it is advisable to keep track of your cat’s weight gain as they grow. An 11-month-old cat is considered an adolescent and has fully grown. It has established itself as an independent pet.

Usually, you would have predicted a certain weight for your cat at 11 months, however, it doesn’t work that way. An 11-month-old cat’s weight may vary based on its breed, and diet, amongst other factors.

11 months old cat weight

Ideal Weight of An 11 Months Old Cat

An 11-month-old cat should weigh approximately 9.2 pounds on average. A cat can be considered overweight if it weighs at least 10% more than the average weight for a cat of its breed and age. A cat’s weight is one indicator of its overall health and well-being.

The cat growth chart below shows the approximate weight range of cats at certain ages. This chart helps to tell when the cat is overweight or underweight.

Life stageAgeWeight
KittenNew born5 ounces
1 weeks12 ounces
2 weeks15 ounces
3 weeks1 pound
4 – 8 weeks3 pounds
9 – 12 weeks4 pounds
17 – 20 weeks5 – 6 pounds
Junior6 months – 12 months6 – 10 pounds
AdultAbove 1 yearAbove 10 pounds

Factors Affecting The Weight Gain In Cats

There are a number of factors that can affect the weight of your cat. In this article, we’ll discuss the most common ones.


As your cat ages, they may experience a natural loss in muscle mass and gain in fat. This is just a part of aging and it’s nothing to worry about. Mature cats often gain weight as they spend more time sleeping and less time hunting, playing, and running around. However, if you notice that your cat’s weight is affecting their health or mobility, then it may be time to talk to your vet about options for managing their weight.


The genetical makeup of a cat can determine how big the cat would get. There are different breeds of cats, and one of the factors is weight gain. There are small, medium, and large cat breeds. Your cat’s breed will influence how big they get. 


The most prominent factor that affects the weight gain of a cat, irrespective of the breed, is the diet. Quality cat food will nourish the cat with the required nutrients for healthy growth. canned cat food is generally more nutritionally dense than dry cat food.

Another important aspect of feeding a cat is how much feed to give a cat at a particular age. Overfeeding can lead to being overweight while underfeeding can cause underweight. Both weight problems are not good for cats, hence, while you strive to provide quality food for your cat, you should also think about the quantity to give.  

Activity levels

The activity level of cats tells how much weight the cat would gain or lose. This is why the look of indoor cats is usually different from that of outdoor cats. Cats lose weight by burning calories through playing or running around, hunting, and engaging in any form of physical activity. This is safer for the cats as it prevents weight problems.

Medical conditions

Some medical conditions, such as obesity, diabetes or thyroid problems, can cause cats to gain weight or lose too much weight due to illness or medication side effects. Healthy cats have healthy weight and the owner needs to worry less about any weight loss or gain.

The Behavior of An 11 Months Old Cat

Cats are known to be the most independent and self-sufficient of all pets. They take care of themselves and don’t need your help or attention. This can make it difficult for new cat owners to tell if their cat is happy, healthy, and thriving.

An 11-month-old cat is in its prime as it is equivalent to a teenage human at this age. It has reached maturity and already looks like an adult cat. A cat at 11 years old is sexually mature, and fit to eat adult cat food. It is expected that the cat has received all of its vaccinations.

11-month-old cats are very confident and independent. They are very affectionate, playful, and curious. These cats also like playing with toys, such as balls or catnip mice. They can be a little stubborn at times but they are usually easier to train than younger kittens.

An 11-month-old cat will often be seen enjoying the sunshine on the window sill or in the garden. They enjoy chewing on things like paper or cardboard boxes so make sure you provide plenty of toys for your cat to chew on instead.

End Notes

Keeping records of the weight of your cat is one of the ways to ascertain the health status of your cat over time. An 11-month-old cat is an adult cat and would act as one. It may not require crucial attention like younger cats do. Its weight is dependent on the diet, activity level, and health status.

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