Cattle GPS Tracking Ear Tags: Usage, Products, & Price

The use of ear tags for cattle has been helpful in terms of knowing the performance of the flock. Ear tags have been used to keep records of generations of cows, tracking and measuring the features and quality of individual cows.

Aside from the quality of performance measured by the ear tags, there is a need to monitor the movement and activities of this cow to ascertain what they eat, drink, or possibly encounter when roaming in search of food and water. This is where the GPS cattle tracking ear tags come into play.

Cattle GPS Tracking Ear Tags

What Is A GPS Tracking Ear Tag For Cattle?

The cattle GPS tracking ear tags are a technological advancement in monitoring and identification of a cow in the herd. It is a small device attached to the ears of the cow. Tracking cows with GPS makes it easier to manage the herd, improve productivity, and make better decisions regarding the feeding and care of the cattle.

The GPS tracking device is embedded in the ear tag; it helps identify the cow and gives live location updates of the cow irrespective of the time and season. With this new technology, you will be able to find your cows even when they are in the fields far away from you.

The best part about these tags is that they can be used on all types of animals, including horses and other livestock. They will also allow you to monitor their health status, food intake, and more.

How Do Cattle GPS Tracking Ear Tags Work?

The cattle GPS tracking ear tags work in a similar way to many GPS devices: they rely on satellites. This device works by combining several technologies to provide accurate and real-time data about the animals. Here’s how they typically work:

#1. Tag Placement

The cattle ear tags have a small electronic device that includes a GPS (Global Positioning System) module, an RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) chip, and a battery. The tag is securely attached to the cattle’s ear for easy and reliable tracking.

#2. GPS Technology

The GPS module in the ear tag receives signals from multiple satellites in Earth’s orbit. By triangulating signals from these satellites, the tag can determine its precise geographic location. This information is updated at regular intervals, allowing continuous tracking of the cattle’s movements.

#3. RFID Technology

RFID technology is used for close-range identification and data transfer. Each ear tag has a unique identification number stored in its RFID chip. When a reader or scanner is brought close to the tag (usually within a few meters), it can read this ID number. This allows for quick and accurate identification of individual cattle.

#4. Data Transmission

Many cattle GPS tracking ear tags are equipped with wireless communication capabilities, such as Bluetooth or cellular connectivity. This allows the tag to transmit its GPS coordinates, along with other sensor data if available (e.g., temperature, activity levels), to a central database or cloud-based system in real-time or at scheduled intervals.

#5. Data Processing

The data collected from multiple cattle is processed and analyzed by software or systems. This data can include the cattle’s location, movement patterns, health indicators, and more. Ranchers and farmers can access this information through user-friendly interfaces on computers or mobile devices.

#6. Monitoring and Management

Ranchers and farmers can use the information provided by GPS tracking ear tags to monitor the health and well-being of their cattle, track their movements, and manage grazing patterns. They can also use this data to detect potential issues early, such as illness or cattle straying from designated areas.

#7. Historical Records

The data transmitted can be stored for historical reference, helping with record-keeping, research, and decision-making regarding cattle management, breeding, and health.

The cattle GPS tracking ear tags are small and lightweight, making them easy to wear on the cow. They are attached to the cow’s ear and can transmit their location at all times. The information is stored in a database that can be accessed by you on your preferred device.

Cost of the Cattle GPS tracking ear tags

Agtech company named mOOvement’s GPS produces solar-powered GPS ear tags for cattle. It provides real-time tracking of individual cows’ location and introduces another level of cattle production efficiency across Australia, the company claims.

The tags are now commercially available, direct from the manufacturer, at a cost of $55 per unit. These GPS ear tags would allow producers greater insights into the way their cattle move and interact with one another, the developers said.

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End Notes

Cattle GPS tracking ear tags provide valuable insights into cattle behavior and health, improve livestock management efficiency, and assist in preventing cattle theft. The GPS ear tags have become an essential tool in modern livestock farming and ranching practices, allowing farmers to make informed decisions to optimize their operations.

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