How To Grow Mango Indoors: Varieties, Growth Conditions & More

Learn how to grow mangoes indoors, at home. Mango trees are one of the most popular fruit trees for home gardeners. They produce small, round yellow to orange fruits. The juicy flesh is sweet and soft, ideal for snacking or canning. Keep your growing area clean and well-drained, provide plenty of water, and fertilize regularly with a fertilizer specifically formulated for fruit trees.

Growing mangoes indoors can be a fun way to create your own backyard mango orchard, and with proper care, it can also be very rewarding. This guide is designed to help you understand different aspects of growing mangoes in pots.

Growing Mango Tree Indoor

indoor Mango Tree
Indoor Mango Tree

Mango trees are tropical evergreens that require warm, humid conditions to thrive. They do best in regions with a cool climate during winter and a hot climate in summer. If you live in a cold area and want to grow mangoes indoors, you should consider taking your tree outdoors in the summertime. They also require little maintenance, so they’re perfect for people who want a tropical home garden but don’t want the hassle of caring for a large outdoor space full of pests and weeds.

Mangoes need a lot of sunlight, so you’ll need to plant your mango tree in a sunny area. If you live in an area where frost is common during winter months or if your area gets hot during summer months, you may want to consider planting your mango indoors instead of outdoors. You can also supplement some sunlight with artificial lighting if necessary.

When choosing the right location for your tree’s roots, remember: a north-facing wall will be warmer than an east-facing wall because of the sun’s position from sunrise to sunset on either side of the equator.

Select an Indoor Mango Variety

When you select an indoor mango variety, you have a lot of options to choose from. But which one is the best?

  • Julie
  • Carabao
  • Dwarf Hawaiian
  • Dasheri
  • Mallika
  • Kent
  • Langra
  • Amrapali
  • Malika
  • Neelam

Julie, Carabao, Dwarf Hawaiian, Dasheri, Mallika, Kent, Langra, and Amrapali are the best varieties of Mango for indoor cultivation. There are many factors to consider when choosing an indoor mango variety:

-Climate: Is your climate hot or cold? Hot climates are ideal for growing mangoes because they’re able to endure lower temperatures. Cold climates require higher temperatures, so they should be avoided if possible.

-Disease resistance: Mango trees can be susceptible to diseases such as bacterial spots and anthracnose. If you live in a hot climate or experience cold winters, these diseases may affect your tree. Choose an indoor mango variety that is resistant to both diseases so that you won’t have to worry about losing your tree due to pests or diseases.

-Planting height: You want to make sure that you plant your trees at the right height so that they will grow properly and fruit at their best potential age range. Typically, taller varieties grow faster than shorter ones; however, this may not always be true for every type of tree. If you are unsure about which size would work best for your garden, consult a botanist.

Growth Conditions for Planting Mango indoor

There are many factors that affect the growth of mango plants. The size of your container, temperature, and humidity levels play an important role in determining the overall health and vigor of your plant.

Size of Container for planting Mango Indoor

You can grow mango indoors in a container as big as you want. The only thing that’s important is that it be large enough to hold the plant and its root system, which will vary depending on how much soil you choose to add.

You should also make sure that the container has good drainage holes above the surface of your potting soil so that excess water does not collect there and cause root rot or fungi infections. For best results, choose a container with a minimum diameter of 24 inches to 30 inches and a height that does not exceed 2 feet. The container should also have drainage holes for watering and adequate nutrients for growth.

Soil Requirement for Indoor Mango

The ideal soil for planting a mango is one that drains well and has enough nutrients to support healthy growth. A good test is to see if water will drain through the top inch of soil when you pour out a cupful onto your hand from an inch below the surface. If not, then it may contain too much organic matter or too much clay for optimum growth.

Mango trees require well-drained sandy loam soil and plenty of organic matter such as compost and peat moss mixed into the soil. The soil pH can range from 6.0 to 8.0, depending on the climate where the plant is growing. If it’s too acidic or alkaline, it won’t be able to survive in your home. If you live in an area with high humidity or water pollution, then you will need to add lime in order to lower the pH level of your soil. The soil should be free of rocks, large stones, and gravel, as these may damage the roots of the plant.

The ideal indoor environment is a temperature between 70°F and 80°F, with an average humidity of 70%. It’s important that the air around your mango tree stays moist but not wet. A good rule of thumb is to keep it between 50% and 70% relative humidity.

Water Requirement for Indoor Mango

Water is an essential element for the growth of indoor mango plants. Mango plants require adequate water to grow, and they need to be watered regularly during the growing season.

The amount of water required to grow mango is dependent on several factors, including the variety and climate of your specific plant but most varieties will need between 1.5 and 2 gallons per week per plant.

You should apply enough water to moisten the soil around each plant, but not so much that it floods or drowns the roots. A good rule of thumb is to allow the top 6 inches of soil to be wet around each plant at all times, this includes the drip line from your sprinkler system or irrigation system as well as any irrigation holes you may have dug into your landscape.

Light Requirement for indoor mango

The light requirement of an indoor mango plant is the same as that of an outdoor one. It needs at least 6 hours of sunlight every day, with some shade thrown in between. In order to ensure that your mango plants get enough sunlight, you should place them on an east-facing window if possible or use artificial lights if necessary.

Mango trees can also be grown indoors with some adjustments to their care routine and environment such as watering frequency and temperature preferences.

Fertilizer requirement for Indoor mango

When it comes to indoor mango trees, there are many things that you need to consider before you move forward with your plan. One of them is the type of fertilizer you will use on your plants. The best fertilizer for indoor mango trees is what is called a balanced fertilizer like N, P, K like a 6-6-6-2. This type of balanced fertilizer contains all three elements that are important for growing an indoor mango tree: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), and the 2 indicating 2 magnesium.

You need to add compost to your potting mix to increase the amount of organic matter in the soil. It will help with drainage as well as being a great source of nutrients for your plants.

You can also add bone meal for additional calcium, but be sure that it is not too high in phosphorus or else it could cause excess growth which may damage your plant when it reaches maturity.

How To Grow Indoor Mango Tree From Seeds

Mango trees are one of the easiest fruit trees to grow from seed, but they do require special care and attention. Here are the materials you’ll need:

  • -Mango seeds
  • A pair of scissors
  • -Paper towel
  • -A container
  • -A pot large enough to plant the seeds
  • -A potting soil
  • -Watering can or watering tray
  • -Soil mix (preferably a composted soil mix) that’s been mixed with perlite or vermiculite and is damp but not soaking wet. The soil should be about 1/4 inch deep and have just enough moisture to keep it moist; you don’t want it soggy. You can also use peat moss instead of soil if you’d like.

If you want to grow an indoor mango tree from seeds, follow these steps:

First, collect the seeds from one healthy ripe mango fruit that has fallen from a tree in your yard or garden area. You can also collect the seed from an entire bunch of mangoes if they are ripe and ready for harvesting before they ripen fully on their own tree branches or trees themselves. However, make sure you don’t pick any overripe ones because they will not produce quality fruits when planted in soil later on down the road anyways.

After collection, you need to clean the seed husk. You can do this by cutting the seed husk with a pair of strong scissors carefully, removing the seed. The seed will be slippery and hard to hold onto, so proceed with caution. After cleaning your seeds, soak them in a cup of water overnight or for 24 hours to hydrate the seed.

Wrap the seed in a damp paper towel, and place it in a sunny window until you see some sprouting from the seed. Now that you’ve prepared your seed and seen it sprouting, it’s time to plant them. Planting time is up next.

Plant your seed in potting soil leaving the new leaf above the soil. You’ll want to keep up on watering as well because this is a tropical plant and will require lots of sunlight as well as water to grow properly indoors (though you can use artificial light if needed).

Source: Urban Gardening

How To Grow Indoor Mango Tree By Grafting

Grafting is a method of propagating plants. It involves growing two or more plants together. The rootstock is the portion of a tree that supports the plant’s stem, roots, and leaves. The scion is a cutting of wood taken from healthy wood in either the same species as your rootstock or another type of wood.

The process is also very simple and can be done by anyone with basic gardening skills who has access to an indoor space for their new plant. When you’re ready to graft your mango tree, you’ll need:

  • A healthy root system that’s about six inches long
  • A healthy stem for the scion (the part of the tree that you want to become another type of tree)

The process of grafting involves removing a tree’s top growth and inserting a “scion” (young branch) into an area where it can take root and become part of the new plant. This can be done with either rootstock or scion wood from another plant species.

The first step in grafting an indoor mango tree is to prepare the tree for grafting by cutting the top part of the desired rootstock and making a v-shaped opening that can accommodate the scion seedling stem.

The next step is to cut the base of your desired scion stem in a V shape so that it can easily plug into the rootstock with ease. With the aid of a polythene strip, wrap the rootstock and the scion firmly to avoid the inflow of air into the union.

Source: Grafting Lesson Official

How To Care for Mango Tree Planted Indoor

Mango trees are extremely easy to care for, but you do need to be vigilant in order to ensure that they are healthy and thriving. Here are some tips on how to care for your indoor mango tree:

Light Management

Growing a mango tree indoors is much easier than growing one outdoors. It requires little or no water and it doesn’t need much sunlight either. Mango trees do well when planted in an area that receives between 6-8 hours of sunlight per day, but it’s best not to put them in direct sunlight as this may cause them to burn or sunburn. If you have a small space for your mango tree, try using a hanging basket instead of soil so that it doesn’t take up too much room on your countertop.


Don’t let the indoor mango trees get too dry. Your mango tree should be watered at least once every week during periods of drought, but never allow it to go completely dry for more than two days at a time (or even three). If you have questions about how much water your mango needs, consult with an expert gardener or local nursery staff member.


The first thing you need to do when your mango tree is young is to prune it. This means taking off any diseased or damaged branches and leaves. This will help prevent the spread of diseases and pests that can attack the tree. It also helps your fruit trees grow faster since they’ll have more room to expand their branches and fruit.

Prune mango trees regularly to promote growth and reduce fruit production. Pruning should be done in the summer months when the tree is dormant, but before new growth begins. Remove any dead or damaged branches as well.


Repotting is another important step when caring for your mango tree indoors. This can be done every year or two, depending on how much space your plant has available and how big it grows. It’s best to repot your indoor mango tree when it reaches its mature size since this will allow for bigger roots and better absorption of nutrients into their system, which will make them healthier overall. Be sure to remove at least 1/3rd of the old soil from the base of your tree, and replace it with freshly composted soil. This will encourage new growth and promote good health for your tree.

Pest and Disease Control

Mangoes are pretty resilient when it comes to pests and diseases. The most common problems that you may face are aphids, spider mites, and scale insects. If you notice any of these pests on your mango tree, take a look at its leaves first before doing anything else. If there is more than one pest present then try to get rid of them by hand or using pesticides if necessary.

It will be better if you consult a professional before using any chemical products on the plant so that they don’t damage it further. Treat any signs of infestation with a systemic insecticide (like neem oil); keep an eye out for signs of fungal infections, mangoes usually aren’t bothered by fungus but if they do become infected it’s best not to leave them untreated.

You can also use a humidifier or spray bottles filled with water to help keep your tree healthy and happy. These devices will help prevent fungal infections which can be caused by high humidity levels in the air around your mango tree (or any other indoor plant).

Mulch Your Tree

One of the most important things you can do for your young mango tree is to mulch around its base when planting it indoors. This helps keep the soil around the roots cool and moist so that they won’t dry out too quickly during winter months when temperatures drop below freezing at nighttime hours (which could cause root damage). It also helps prevent weeds from growing.


How Long Does It Take for A Mango Tree to Bear Fruit?

This question often comes up when people are looking for a way to grow a mango tree indoors. The answer is that it depends on the conditions in your home and how much sunlight you have available. If you live in an area with plenty of sunlight, then your tree will grow very fast. In high light and low light conditions, the mango tree grows very fast. In hot or cold weather though, they may take longer to mature than usual because they’re not getting enough sunlight or warmth, as well as other factors like temperature fluctuations, can affect their health negatively over time too.

In general, though, mango trees flower between 3 and 5 years after planting, and they take about 10 months to fruit. Usually, though, a mango tree will bear fruit within 1 year of flowering.

How fast do mango trees grow indoors?

The speed at which mango trees grow indoors depends on the species and variety. Some types are more forgiving than others, but in general, most varieties will grow fairly quickly if you provide them with the right conditions.

Under ideal conditions, mango trees take three to four years to bear fruit indoors. However, it’s important to understand that this number is dependent on a variety of factors: climate, soil quality, and how much fertilizer you use.

Mango trees need a lot of sunlight, so they will grow more quickly in a room with plenty of natural light. If your mango tree is in an area that gets very little sun, this could slow its growth rate.

You can also give your tree some extra nutrients by watering it regularly and fertilizing it regularly with a balanced fertilizer. This will help promote strong root growth and allow your tree to sprout new branches from its roots more quickly.

Finally, keep in mind that proper care for your tree includes pruning it regularly, both pruning to remove weak branches from the main stem and pruning to encourage new growth from the roots so that it doesn’t get too tall for its own good.

Can a mango tree survive indoors?

Yes, a mango tree can survive indoors. If you want to grow a mango tree indoors, it’s best to start with a small tree. You can keep the plant in a pot or container and water it often.

Mango trees are tropical plants that grow best in warm climates. They do not do well in cold temperatures or when the temperature fluctuates too much from cold to hot. If you live in an area with cold winters, you may want to consider growing your mango tree indoors instead of outdoors.

How Big Can Indoor Mango Tree Get?

Indoor mango trees can grow to be as large as 12 feet tall, with branches that can span up to 6 feet from the trunk. The height is dependent on the variety of mango tree and the amount of light it receives.

Indoor mango trees grown in a deep pot will tend to get smaller than those grown in a shallow container, but this is not always true. Many hybrid trees have been developed that are capable of growing very large indoors.

In order to get the most out of your indoor mango tree, you’ll need to keep an eye on its watering needs. The best way to determine how much water your indoor mango tree will need is by checking its soil every now and then. If you notice that the soil feels dry, then you’ll need to give it more water. If you see that it feels moist, then you should be good for a few days without watering again.

What is The Lifespan of a Mango Plant?

The average lifespan of a mango tree is around 100 to 200 years. It has been observed that the lifespan of a mango tree can vary depending on the climate, soil quality, and other environmental factors.

The lifespan of a mango tree depends on its genetic makeup, as well as its growth patterns, exposure to sunlight, temperature, and humidity levels. Mango trees have been known to live up to 250 years if they are kept in an environment free from pollution and pests.

The lifespan of your mango plant depends on many factors including climate conditions such as temperature and humidity levels as well as soil quality; sunlight exposure; watering frequency; pruning methods used when growing indoors or outdoors; fertilization regimes applied during critical periods after planting out into larger containers until they reach maturity.

Why is my potted mango tree dying?

There are many reasons why a mango tree might die in your pot, some of which are listed below:

The most common reason for a potted mango tree to die is a lack of light. If your plant doesn’t get enough sunlight, it can’t photosynthesize and grow properly. Without photosynthesis, the plant’s energy levels fall and its leaves begin to yellow and drop from the plant. This happens very quickly, in just a few days, so if you notice your potted mango dying rapidly, it’s time for some sun.

Another common reason for your potted mango tree to die is underwatering. When you water your potted mango tree too much or too little, you put stress on its roots and stem which can cause them to rot or break off. If this happens, don’t panic. You can still save your plant by removing any broken pieces and replacing them with new ones.

The root system has been damaged by heavy watering or poor drainage at some point in its lifespan. This can lead to rot and fungus attacks that weaken the plant over time until it dies completely; if this happens before you’re ready to transplant it out into another container, then what’s left behind will most likely be unusable for growing anything else (unless you have another plant already waiting for its turn).

How often should you water mango?

Mango trees should be watered once per week, providing 1 inch (2.5 cm) of water to mature trees. This can be achieved by allowing the tree to soak up the water for about an hour before watering again.

The reason for this is that mango trees like their soil moist, but not too wet. This allows the roots to absorb water and grow stronger. It also helps prevent fungus from developing on the roots or trunk of the tree, which could lead to rotting or disease.

How often should you prune a mango tree?

Pruning is an important part of caring for your mango tree. It will help to keep the tree in shape and healthy, and it can also help to prolong the life of your mango tree.

First, you should prune your mango tree in the spring or summer when the tree reaches over 1 meter in height. This will allow your tree to grow strong roots that can support its weight as it continues to grow taller.

The second pruning should be done immediately after the first harvest and completed by December 31st. By doing this, you’ll cut off any dead or damaged branches from last year’s harvest so that they don’t take up space or weigh down this year’s crop.

Which month is mango season?

Mango season runs from May through September, but you can find mangoes at any time of year.

Mango season traditionally begins in the spring and ends in early fall, which is when mangoes are at their peak. The seasons are called “peaks” because they’re at their best during the months of May through September.

This is because mangoes are tropical fruit and they require warm temperatures to grow well. Mango season is also affected by climate change: as more people move into areas where mangoes grow, there’s more demand for them, which means that the quality of the crop will improve over time and will result in higher prices for consumers.

How many times can you harvest mango in a year?

You can harvest your mango three times a year. The first time is in the summer when it’s mature and ready to be picked. Second, there are two other harvests that happen throughout autumn and winter. Finally, there is an early spring harvest in May or June (depending on where you live).

In general, most people will take their mangoes off the tree when they’re fully ripe, which means that they are either totally dry or slightly green but not yet browned at all on the outside. If you notice that your mango isn’t ripening as quickly, as usual, don’t worry. Just leave it off for another few days before picking it up again so that more sugar content gets extracted from inside each fruit.

In conclusion,

Mango trees can be grown from seeds or young plants. The best time to start your tree is when the weather gets cooler and you will have enough sunlight to support it. You should avoid planting them too early in the spring because this could harm the roots during transplanting. If you decide to plant your tree from seed, make sure that there are no visible signs of rot on the seed package before planting it outdoors.

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