How To Keep A Christmas Tree Alive All Year

Christmas trees are symbols of merriments and joy during the festive period. Every household usually erects a Christmas tree in their compound as Christmas and New Year approaches, the sight of Christmas trees is a warm welcome for visitors, friends, and family members.

Christmas trees are mounted to symbolize the joy of the period. This article explains the lifespan of the Christmas trees, the care and management tips of these trees during and after the festive period, and other forms of usage of the Christmas tree.

Real Christmas Tree
Christmas Trees

Storing a Christmas Tree Over the Summer

To preserve your Christmas tree for use next holiday season, you’ll need to properly store it over the summer months. This ensures it stays protected and doesn’t dry out before you’re ready to decorate it again.

The ideal storage place is a cool, sheltered area like a garage or shed. The idea is to keep the tree out of direct sunlight and away from weather elements. Keeping the Christmas tree inside a building helps moderate temperature extremes that could damage the tree.

Before storing the Christmas tree, you need to wrap up the tree with materials like Burlap sacks or old sheets. Wrap the tree up fully from trunk to tip, securing it with twine or rope. This prevents pest infestations, protects from dust buildup, and keeps the needles intact.

Check on the stored tree periodically. Keep it covered and moisturized. You may need to lightly mist the burlap if unwrapping shows dried patches. With the proper covering and conditions, a Christmas tree can easily be preserved over the summer months. Just unwrap next holiday season for a tree that’s ready to be decorated once again.

Care for Dry and Dropping Christmas Trees

A Christmas tree that is dry and dropping needles can often be revived with a little care. Here are some care tips:

– Check water levels daily and refill as needed. As a tree drinks up water, the water level drops below the tree trunk base, exposing it to air. Check and replenish the water at least once a day.

– Try a commercial floral preservative. These preservatives contain sugars and other ingredients to help keep trees hydrated. Follow package directions and add the preservative to the water.

– Move the tree away from the heating vents. The blasts of hot air can overly dry out trees. Position the Christmas tree so it’s not right next to or in front of heating vents or fireplaces where it might get too warm.

– Give the tree a fresh cut. About an inch off the base of the trunk can open up fresh absorption channels. Use a clean saw and place the tree back in the water right away.

– Consider moving the tree to a cooler spot. Heated rooms can cause excess moisture loss. Keep trees at the coolest room temperature possible.

With attentive watering and care, even drought-stressed Christmas trees can often recover their beautiful green hue and retain needles. Just be sure to give trees plenty of fresh water and monitor it closely.

How Long Do Christmas Trees Typically Last?

Christmas trees are only designed to last through the holiday season. The average lifespan of a cut, Christmas tree is 4-6 weeks when properly watered and cared for.

Some types of Christmas trees, like Fraser firs, are heartier and may last on the longer end of this timeline, while others like Douglas firs tend to dry out faster. Proper tree care is crucial to maximize the lifespan of the tree.

Tips for Maximizing the Lifespan of a Christmas Tree

The attempt to maximize the lifespan of a Christmas tree starts by choosing a fresh, healthy tree. Look for one with vibrant green needles that aren’t falling off. Make sure the trunk has sap coming out when you make a fresh cut. When you bring it home, the fresher the tree is, the longer it will last.

Once you get the Christmas tree inside, cut about an inch off the base of the trunk before putting it in the stand. This opens up the pores in the wood so the tree can absorb water. Make sure to keep the tree stand filled with water at all times. Check it daily and refill it as needed. The tree will drink a surprising amount of water in the first week or so.

Keep the Christmas tree away from heat sources like heating vents, fireplaces, or direct sunlight. The heat will dry out the tree faster. Likewise, keep it away from drafts that will accelerate moisture loss. Position the Christmas tree in a stable stand in a cool spot in your home.

Alternative Uses for Old Christmas Trees

Once a Christmas tree has fully dried out and can no longer be used for display, there are still plenty of ways you can reuse it before discarding it. Here are some creative ways to get more mileage out of old Christmas trees:

1. Craft Projects

The branches and pine cones of Christmas trees can be incorporated into a variety of DIY craft projects. Here are some ideas:

– Make wreaths or garlands from fragrant pine branches. Simply wrap them into circles and secure them with floral wire. Add pine cones, berries, or other embellishments.

– Create pine cone fire starters by coating them in old candle wax or paraffin wax. These are great for lighting fires or woodstoves.

– Craft homemade potpourri by mixing pine cones, pine needles, spices, dried orange slices, and essential oils. Display in bowls or sachet bags.

– Use branches to make rustic frame mirrors or candle holders. Glue branches into shape and coat with sealant if needed.

– Weave fallen pine needles into baskets, ornaments, or fragrant sachets.

2. Mulch and Compost

Once all needles have fallen from a dried Christmas tree, the remaining wood can be shredded into mulch or added to a compost bin. The branches provide a brown source of carbon. Make sure to remove all decorations first.

Chopped trees can be spread as mulch in garden beds to retain moisture. The pine needles will gradually break down and enrich the soil. Add more green materials like grass clippings to achieve the right carbon-nitrogen balance for compost. Turn the pile to aerate and speed decomposition.

3. Donate Artificial Trees

Gently used artificial trees can often be donated if they are still in decent condition. Many charities, schools, and community centers will accept fake tree donations after the holidays to reuse them year after year.

Make sure to clean the tree thoroughly and check for any broken or faulty wiring before donating. Not all organizations can accept artificial trees, so call ahead to check if they can take donated trees.

With a little creativity, you can make old Christmas trees last beyond just one season! Re-purposing them is eco-friendly and cost-effective.

Related: Balsam Fir Christmas Tree: Its Lifespan After Cut & Care


Proper care and good storage effort can make Christmas trees provide holiday joy for years to come. Proper storage and maintenance will maximize lifespan and holiday cheer.

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