Ten (10) Best Egg-Laying Chickens For Backyard Farming

The best egg-laying chickens for your backyard are the ones that lay the most eggs and are easiest to care for. Chicken breeds vary in their laying habits. Some are bred solely for egg production, while others are bred for meat production (such as broiler chickens). The breed you choose will depend on whether you want to raise chickens for meat or eggs.

If you want to raise chickens for their eggs, then look for breeds that have been bred specifically as egg layers. These breeds tend to be leaner and more fragile than meat-producing breeds. They also don’t have as much muscle tone or breast meat, so they’re not suitable for roasting or frying as some other breeds might be.

On the other hand, if you’re looking to raise chickens strictly for meat production, then look at raising broiler chickens. Broiler chickens have been bred specifically with fast growth rates in mind. This means that they grow quickly compared to other types of chicken breeds and can reach their full size in just six weeks after hatching.

The Top Laying Chickens To Consider

Egg-laying chickens are a great way to have fresh eggs every day. They can be one of the easiest types of poultry to care for, but they also come with their own set of concerns and considerations. In this article, we’ll look at different types of chickens that lay eggs and how they differ from each other so you can make an informed decision about what type is right for your backyard or homestead.

The Rhode Island Red Chicken

#1. The Rhode Island Red

The Rhode Island Red is a dual-purpose chicken, meaning that it is good for both eggs and meat. This makes the Rhode Island Red a great choice for backyard chicken farmers who want to produce their eggs and meat while not having to raise two different breeds of chicken.

The Rhode Island Red is also an excellent forager, which means that it can provide you with an extra source of food by eating bugs and weeds in your yard. If you have limited space or just want some free veggies from your chickens, this breed should be at the top of your list.

The Golden Comet

#2. The Golden Comet

The Golden Comet is a great choice for beginning chicken owners as they are easy to care for and produce large numbers of brown eggs. They are also one of the few breeds that lay well during the winter months, making them a good choice for those living in colder climates. They forage well so you don’t have to provide much supplemental feed if you wish to let them free range. They are not known for being broody but will make excellent mothers if needed.

The Plymouth Rock

#3. The Plymouth Rock

The Plymouth Rock, also known as the Barred Plymouth Rock and the American Standard, is a breed of chicken that originated in New England. This breed is a good choice for beginners due to its easygoing temperament and ability to thrive in a variety of environments. The hens are good layers and produce large white eggs that weigh approximately 6 oz each. They also have an excellent foraging ability which makes them ideal for keeping your backyard clean from insects.

The Plymouth Rocks are hardy birds with a calm disposition, making them great around children who may be learning about raising their own chickens for the first time. Their friendly personality makes them an excellent choice for anyone looking into owning chickens as pets rather than just egg production.

The Dominique hen

#4. The Dominique

The Dominique is one of the best egg layers you can buy, producing as many as 300 large creamy white eggs per year. They are also known for being good foragers, which means they’ll help you to keep your backyard free of pests and weeds. This breed is also excellent at raising chicks, making it a great choice if you want to raise your chicks from scratch or just have extra birds lying around in case an egg goes missing.

The Dominique has white feathers with black spots on them (hence its name), but these spots aren’t always present in all individuals of this breed; some may look almost entirely black instead. These chickens weigh about 5 pounds when fully grown and usually live for about five years; however, their lifespan can be longer if kept well-fed and healthy throughout their lives

The Araucana hen

#5. The Araucana

The Araucana chicken is a breed that lays blue eggs, with a pea comb and a tuft of feathers on their head. They are great foragers and good at finding food in the wild. This makes them ideal for backyard chickens because you don’t have to feed them much when they’re outside. They can even help you keep your garden safe from pests like slugs or mice.

The Wyandotte Chicken

#6. The Wyandotte Chicken

The Wyandotte chicken is a good choice for the backyard due to their dual-purpose nature. These chickens lay eggs and are also good for meat production. The Wyandotte can be kept inside or outside but is best if allowed to free range in a fenced area. They’re also known for adapting well to different climates, so if you live in an area where winters are cold, this chicken will adapt well.

The downside of the Wyandotte chicken is their stubbornness – it may take some time before they get used to you being there when they’re young chicks because they’re more independent than other breeds. But once they learn who their owner is and what’s expected of them they become great pets.

The Barred Rock Chicken

#7. The Barred Rock Chicken

The Barred Rock Chicken is a good choice for newbies because they are easy to raise and hardy in the cold. These hens are also great egg producers. Since they do well in both warm weather and cold, they can be kept anywhere. However, their brown eggs are not as popular as other chicken breeds’ eggs so you may have trouble selling them if you don’t have a lot of chickens laying at once.

The Barred Rock Chicken isn’t particularly aggressive but will still protect their territory from predators like raccoons or cats so it’s best to keep them fenced in with a small yard dog if possible. If you want something different than your average white/brown egg-laying hen then this chicken might be right up your alley.

The Leghorn Chicken

#9. The Leghorn Chicken

The Leghorn chicken is a good egg layer, and it makes an excellent choice for the backyard chicken owner. These chickens are very docile, which makes them easy to handle.

These birds lay white or tinted eggs regularly throughout the year. They are ideal for those who want to keep their hens inside during cold weather as well as those who have limited space outside because they can be kept in cages or small pens that do not need to be cleaned out each day.

The Leghorn has a pea comb with five points on top of its head, which gives it a unique appearance compared with other breeds of chickens that have single combs or rose combs.

Marans Chickens

#10. Marans Chickens

Marans chickens are French in origin and a popular choice for backyard chicken enthusiasts who want to raise their flock. They’re known for being excellent foragers, which means they’ll happily eat grass, weeds, and bugs in addition to store-bought feed. Marans chickens produce brown eggs that are large with a creamy texture. Their feathers can be any color (ranging from white to black), but many owners prefer to keep them as standard colors of black or brown.

Marans chickens are friendly birds who enjoy spending time together outdoors, not only will they help keep each other warm during winter weather, but they also lay more eggs when they have companions around. If you want an easygoing chicken breed that’s great at producing healthy eggs while staying small enough not to take over your garden space (or roosters won’t bother you), then this breed may be ideal for your backyard flock.

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Final words,

The best egg-laying chickens are the ones that meet your needs. If you want an egg-laying chicken, it’s important to choose one that fits your lifestyle and budget. If you have a large yard, consider getting multiple breeds of hens. You can also try raising ducks or geese as well.

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