How To Use Urea, CAN And Other Nitrogenous Fertilizer.

 nitrogenous fertilizer 

Nitrogenous fertilizers are fertilizer rich in nitrogen, they are very important to crop production; nitrogen is one of the essential nutrient elements needed to enhance crop growth. Application of fertilizers is one of the post-planting operations in crop production. The choice of fertilizer to use is very important. It is very possible you add fertilizer to the soil and in return it impaired the productivity of the soil, thus, resulting in low yield. This is a function of the type of fertilizer used.

There are two types of fertilizer, namely organic and inorganic. The latter is commonly used in commercial cultivation. Though organic fertilizer is the best due to its slow release of nutrients, it is not commonly used.

Nitrogen is very important to plants because it plays an active role in the growth and development of crops. It plays an active role in cell division, which facilitates the growth and repair of damaged plant tissues. Also, it is a very important component of chlorophyll; this gives the plant its green coloration. When deficient in the soil, it greatly reduces yield; especially in leafy vegetables.

When to use Nitrogenous fertilizer in agriculture

Most farmers do not know how to use nitrogenous fertilizers; nitrogen induces the growth of vegetative parts of any crop. Nitrogen boosts the growth of leaves and enhances the rapid growth of the crop.

Nitrogenous fertilizer is best used at the vegetative stage of plants for fruit vegetables like cucumber or throughout the growth stage of plants cultivated solely for their leaves. when the plants are still young and tender; then, they need nitrogen. Nitrogen can be exemplified to protein in the human diet. It is good for younger plants, it helps to build tissues and repair damaged ones.

When you apply nitrogen to young crops, it hastens the growth of the crops and boosts the growth of the vegetative parts. So as the plants grow old, the application of nitrogenous fertilizer should be reduced because nitrogen has the ability to delay maturity and fruition of plants. As the vegetative parts grow, the tendency of the crops attaining maturity reduces.

However, the intent of the production at times may warrant the use of nitrogenous fertilizers throughout the planting period. Nitrogenous fertilizers can be used on crops grown for its vegetative parts alone, like leafy vegetables such as Ugu or Ewedu. It greatly induces the growth of the leaves, thus, increasing yield. It can be used solely on the farm. Examples of common nitrogen fertilizer for plants are Urea, Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN).


Precautions of using nitrogenous fertilizers

Too much of anything is bad, the abundance of Nitrogen causes toxicity. This can impair human health too. the use of nitrogenous fertilizers in agriculture should be used in the right proportion to enhance its efficiency.

Excessive use of nitrogenous fertilizers can pollute the water source through a process known as leaching; this is usually caused by flooding, whereby nutrients like nitrogen are washed down below the water table, hence, depositing the nutrients inside the water body.

in absence of flooding, excessive use of any fertilizer rich in nitrogen can delay fruiting in fruit-bearing crops like cucumber, watermelon, and tomato. Although all crops need nitrogen throughout their life cycle, the requirement for nitrogen decreases as the plant grows.

The maximum amount of nitrogenous fertilizers should be applied at the vegetative stage of he plant, that is before the plant flowers and the minimum quantity of such fertilize should be applied during the fruiting stage of the crop, that is, when the plant begins to bear fruits.

In conclusion,

Before you plant andy crop, try to know the recommended fertilizer application rate and apply it such that more of the nitrogen-based fertilizers are applied during the early stage of the plant and reduce the quantity as the plant grows.

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1 thought on “How To Use Urea, CAN And Other Nitrogenous Fertilizer.”

  1. Thank you so much for this article. Tips and information when using fertilizers. I have now the idea of how to use other nitrogenous fertilizers. Worth reading this one.


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