Cydectin For Chickens: Dosage, Safety, and Effectiveness

The control of parasites and diseases is an integral aspect of chicken management. Chickens are susceptible to worm infestation; worms cause lots of harm to the chicken’s growth. The most effective way of controlling worms in chickens is by using anthelmintics, hence, the usage of  Cydectin.

What is Cydectin?

Cydectin is a parasiticide drug used to treat internal and external parasites in animals including chickens. It contains the active ingredient moxidectin and it works by disrupting the neurotransmission in the parasites, leading to paralysis and death of the parasites.

Cydectin is a popular choice amongst chicken owners for controlling common parasites like roundworms, capillary worms, cecal worms, gapeworms, and mites. It has been approved for use in chickens in some countries, though regulations differ. Cydectin is an important tool for keeping chickens healthy and parasite-free when used correctly.

The Effectiveness of Cydectin

Cydectin is highly effective at controlling a wide range of internal and external parasites in chickens when used correctly. It is effective against gastrointestinal roundworms, capillary worms, cecal worms, gapeworms, and poultry lice.

The active ingredient in Cydectin, moxidectin, has a high efficacy rate for killing parasites. Multiple studies have shown a near 100% reduction in worm burdens in treated chickens. The effects persist for 14-21 days, providing continued parasite protection.

Cydectin remains effective when rotating with other anthelmintics such as fenbendazole or piperazine. Rotating dewormers helps prevent parasites from developing resistance. This ensures that Cydectin continues working optimally in chicken flocks over the long term.

Overall, Cydectin offers very high efficacy when used properly and can greatly reduce parasite loads in chickens. The effectiveness is boosted when rotated with other dewormers.

Using Cydectin for Chickens

Cydectin is a dewormer that can be used to treat a variety of internal and external parasites in chickens when used properly. There are three main ways to administer Cydectin to chickens: orally, by injection, or poured along the back.

Oral administration is typically done by mixing Cydectin into the chicken’s drinking water. The medication will enter the chickens’ systems as they drink and effectively treat worms and other internal parasites. This method allows deworming of the entire flock simultaneously.

Cydectin can also be injected under the skin or into the breast muscles of individual chickens. While more labor-intensive than flock treatment, injection allows for precise dosing per bird. It may be preferred for weaker chickens who need an exact dosage.

The third method is pouring Cydectin along the feathers on the back and around the vent area. As the liquid is absorbed through the skin, it will control mites, lice, and other external parasites. Take care not to get Cydectin near the eyes.

Cydectin Chicken Wormer Dosage

When using Cydectin for chickens, following the correct dosage is critical. Underdosing Cydectin can lead to resistance developing in worms and other parasites, rendering the medication ineffective.

On the other hand, accidentally giving too high of a dose can potentially cause toxicity and side effects in your chickens. The recommended Cydectin dosage for chickens depends on the type of parasite being treated:

  • For large roundworms, the dosage is 0.5 mg per kg body weight given orally.
  • For capillary worms, the dose is 0.2 mg per kg body weight.
  • For mites, Cydectin is given at 0.3-0.4 mg per kg body weight.

It’s important to accurately weigh your chickens and calculate the dose for each bird individually. Estimating weight or dosing the whole flock with one amount risks inaccurate and potentially dangerous dosing. The dosage can be carefully measured and delivered orally by mixing the proper amount of Cydectin solution into feed or water.

When used responsibly at the correct dosage specific to the parasite being treated, Cydectin can be a safe and effective dewormer for chickens. However, care should be taken to avoid under- or overdosing on this medication. Consult a veterinarian if unsure of the appropriate Cydectin dosage for your flock.

Related: 10 Signs To Know Your Chickens Need To Be Dewormed

Safe Use of Cydectin in Chickens

Cydectin is a safe and reliable option for worming backyard and commercial flocks. It is important to use Cydectin safely in chickens to avoid any potential health risks. Here are some key precautions when using this dewormer:

– Do not use Cydectin in sick or stressed chickens. The drug can potentially further compromise the health of chickens that are unwell. Only use it in healthy chickens.

– Do not exceed the recommended doses of Cydectin. Overdosing on this dewormer can lead to toxicity and cause harm. Carefully follow dosage instructions based on the formulation purchased and the weight of your chickens.

– Withhold eggs for at least 14 days after administering Cydectin. The drug residues can be present in eggs for some time after usage. Discard any eggs laid within 14 days of Cydectin administration to prevent potential health risks. Mark treated chickens and noted down treatment dates.

By carefully following dosage guidelines and egg withhold periods, Cydectin can be used safely in chickens when needed. Never use in compromised chickens and avoid overdosing at all costs. Responsible usage will minimize risks and provide effective deworming.

Egg Withdrawal Period

When using Cydectin in chickens, it’s important to observe the required egg withdrawal period before consuming eggs from treated birds. Cydectin is excreted into eggs at low levels, so eggs must be discarded for a period of time after treatment.

The length of the egg withdrawal period for chicken given Cydectin is 14 days. Also, the chicken must not be slaughtered during this period.

This allows enough time for Cydectin residue levels to drop to undetectable levels in the eggs. Consuming eggs too soon after Cydectin treatment could potentially lead to small residues entering the food supply.

Observing the full egg withdrawal period is crucial. Discarding eggs from treated chickens for the required 14 or 21 days prevents any food safety issues and ensures eggs are safe for consumption once the withdrawal time has passed.

Side Effects of Cydectin

While Cydectin is considered safe when used as directed in chickens, some side effects are possible.

Rare side effects may include lethargy and decreased appetite in chickens after administration of Cydectin. These effects are usually mild and temporary, but if they persist more than 24 hours after treatment, a veterinarian should be consulted.

High doses and overuse of Cydectin can cause toxicity. Exceeding the recommended dosage by a significant amount could potentially damage the chicken’s nervous system and cause more severe side effects.

It’s important to carefully follow dosage guidelines and not administer Cydectin too frequently. Monitoring chickens after administering Cydectin can help detect any uncommon reactions. Consult your veterinarian if any concerning health issues arise.

Worm Resistance to Cydectin

One issue to be aware of with Cydectin is that resistance can develop in worms if it is overused. Like most anthelmintics (deworming medications), there is a risk of parasites building up a tolerance over time if the same dewormer is used repeatedly. This can render the medication ineffective.

To help prevent resistance, it is recommended to rotate between different classes of dewormers. Using the same dewormer constantly applies significant selection pressure on worms, allowing those with natural resistance to survive and pass on their genes.

Potential rotation options include benzimidazoles like fenbendazole, imidothiazoles like levamisole, and macrocyclic lactones like ivermectin. Work with your veterinarian to determine the best deworming rotation for your flock.

Following a schedule of rotation allows each dewormer class to fully clear susceptible worms it is effective against. This keeps worm loads low while reducing the chances of building tolerance. Practicing good rotation helps maintain the efficacy of all dewormers for a longer period.

Alternatives to Cydectin

While Cydectin is effective against worms and mites in chickens, there are some alternatives that chicken owners can consider using instead.

#1. Ivermectin

Ivermectin is in the same drug class as Cydectin (macrocyclic lactones) and works similarly. It is effective against worms as well as external parasites like mites and lice. Ivermectin is available as a pour-on, injectable, paste, and orally administered drug. It should be dosed carefully based on the chicken’s weight to avoid toxicity.

#2. Moxidectin

Moxidectin is also a macrocyclic lactone like Cydectin. It works well for both internal and external parasites. Moxidectin is longer-acting than ivermectin and is given either topically or orally to chickens. It provides up to 4 weeks of parasite protection from a single dose.

#3. Fenbendazole

Fenbendazole is from the benzimidazole class of drugs. It is used to treat roundworms, hairworms, capillary worms, cecal worms, and gapeworms in chickens. The drug works by inhibiting worm microtubule formation. Fenbendazole typically comes as a powder or pellets that can be mixed into feed or water.

While these alternatives can be effective, it’s important to consult your veterinarian on the proper product and dosage for your particular flock and parasite problem. Rotating dewormers can help prevent resistance. Proper management and sanitation also support parasite control.

Related: How To Make Organic Chicken Dewormer With Pawpaw Seeds

End Notes

Cydectin is an effective parasiticide for chickens when used properly. This dewormer contains moxidectin, which is highly effective against a wide range of internal and external parasites in poultry. Following dosage guidelines will help maintain Cydectin efficacy.

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