My Cat Not Eating But Purring: Reasons & Solutions

Did you know that purring is not always a sign of happiness in cats? While a purring, cuddly cat may seem content, there are some concerning reasons why your cat may be purring instead of eating.

Loss of appetite accompanied by purring can signal an underlying medical issue that needs veterinary attention. This article will cover why your cat may not be eating, home care tips, and how to prevent future episodes of inappetence.

My Cat Not Eating But Purring

Purring as a Sign of Cat’s Illness

While purring is most often associated with happiness in cats, it can also be a sign that your cat is unwell. When sick, stressed, or injured, cats will purr to self-soothe.

The act of purring releases endorphins, which are hormones that act as natural painkillers. So when your cat is in distress, purring helps to alleviate pain and make them feel better.

Cats may purr when experiencing:

  • Pain from injury or illness
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Grief or sadness
  • Hunger or thirst
  • During labor and nursing

So if your cat is purring more than usual, pay close attention to any other symptoms. Excessive purring combined with changes in eating habits, lethargy, vomiting, or other concerning signs can indicate an underlying medical issue.

While purring may make your cat feel better temporarily, it’s still important to identify the cause and get veterinary care when needed. Never ignore purring along with other symptoms, as your cat may be self-soothing but still need medical treatment.

Normal Cat Eating Habits

Cats are grazers by nature and prefer to eat small frequent meals throughout the day; their eating habits can vary based on age and environment. Kittens require more frequent feedings than adult cats. Kittens should be fed small meals 3-4 times per day until 6 months of age. Adult cats typically eat 2-3 times per day.

The average 10-pound adult cat requires 150-200 calories per day. This equates to about 1/2 cup to 3/4 cup of high-quality dry food or 5.5 ounces of wet food per day. However, calorie needs can vary based on activity level, metabolism, and other factors.

In addition, making dry food available for cats to nibble on is an easy way to accommodate this natural behavior. However, any uneaten wet food must be discarded after a few hours if your cat doesn’t finish it right away.

It’s important to pay attention to your cat’s normal food intake. Noticeable decreases or changes in eating habits could signify an underlying health issue. Contact your veterinarian if your cat stops eating for more than 1-2 days.

Related: What Can A 2-Month-Old Kitten Eat? Food & Schedule

Possible Reasons for Cats Not Eating

There are several potential causes for a cat to stop eating while still purring; some of these are:

– Dental disease or mouth pain: Issues like gingivitis, resorptive lesions, or tooth abscesses can make chewing painful. The cat may continue purring to mask signs of illness.

– Nausea: Conditions like gastrointestinal disease, pancreatitis, or certain medications can induce nausea and cause appetite loss. The cat is still seeking comfort through purring.

– Stress or anxiety: Changes to the home environment, new animals/people, or loud noises can stress some cats and suppress their appetite. Purring self-soothes them during turmoil.

– Change in environment: A move, new home, different schedule, or introduction of a new family member can overwhelm some cats. Their eating schedules and habits get disrupted even though they purr for security.

How to Make Cats Eat Always

Reducing stress is a key way to keep your cat eating well. Cats are very sensitive to changes in their environment and routine. Limiting loud noises, construction, visitors, and other disruptions can prevent stress.

Using calming pheromone diffusers and sprays, providing cat trees/perches and scratching posts, and dedicating playtime can all help lower stress. Keeping their schedule consistent with regular mealtimes also promotes relaxation.

Cat-proofing your home removes dangerous hazards. Keep toxic houseplants out of reach, restrict access to string and ribbons that could be ingested, secure open windows with screens, and keep the toilet lid down.

Put away medications and chemicals in locked cabinets. Cover up exposed electrical cords and wires. Remove small, swallowable items from counters and dressers. A safe environment reduces accidents and injuries that could cause episodes of not eating.

Annual exams allow the vet to monitor your cat’s health and watch for any changes. Bloodwork and other diagnostic tests can detect issues like kidney disease and hyperthyroidism before obvious symptoms appear. Staying on top of vaccines and preventative care is also important.

Related: Dog Picky With Food All Of A Sudden: What To Do

Lastly, A healthy cat will eat and not purr. With some detective work and patience, you can get your cat’s appetite back on track and enjoy their rumbly purrs when they are truly happy and healthy. Don’t assume purring means everything is okay. I hope you find this article helpful, if yes, Share!

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