Ten (10) Proven Herbs For Broken Bones (Pictures)

If you’re suffering from a broken bone, whether it’s a simple fracture or something more complicated like a break in the neck or back, you’ll want to know what herbs can help. The good news is that there are many herbs that can help with the pain and swelling associated with fractures.

Using Herbs For Broken Bone Treatment

Herbal remedies for broken bones are many and integrate them into your diet in order to not only help heal faster but strengthen your bones to avoid osteoporosis or other bone degeneration issues which can cause repeat sprains and fractures throughout your life.

It is very common to get a broken bone when you are doing some kind of physical activity. If you are an athlete or someone who likes to be active, then it is likely that you will experience the pain of a broken bone at some point in your life. If you have ever had a broken bone, then you know just how painful it can be. There are many different herbs that can help with the pain as well as speed up the healing process.

When you have a fracture, your body will begin to repair itself naturally. It uses the bone marrow to create new blood cells that will eventually form scar tissue. The blood flow increases at the site of injury in order to promote healing and repair. You can speed up this process by using herbs for broken bones that contain natural painkillers like capsaicin or camphor.

In the early week by incorporating the following vitamins and minerals into your diet, you will help your body speed up the natural healing process by helping it conserve energy during the healing process. This is why your diet during the first few weeks after you break a bone is essential for the effective healing process.

Healing Process of Broken Bones

After a bone is broken, your body will naturally proceed with its healing process. This process involves three distinct stages, and your diet and mineral intake will definitely have an influence on how your body performs during all three stages.

There are three distinct stages of bone fracture healing. They are:

  • Inflammatory stage
  • Reparative stage
  • Remodeling stage.

Inflammatory stage

After tissue breaks, the body immediately goes into action by forming a hematoma that attracts immune cells called white cells. White cells join this process of infection protection through the formation of white blood cells.

  • Swelling,
  • Redness, and
  • Inflammation

It is also the process of the growth of new blood vessels and the recruitment of other proteins that lead to the building of new bone. Though inflammation causes pain, this also triggers the bone-building process.

Reparative stage

After the initial fracture, right here is the time of bone healing’s second phase as the healing process is underway. The above-mentioned period has passed, and the worst pain may have subsided. The tissues in the area are now making up a soft callus. These callouses lay the foundation for the formation of new bone. They are the most important phase since they provide the proper framework for new bone formation. This period may take anywhere from six to twelve weeks to complete.

Remodeling stage

The first stage of fracture healing is the callus maturing and remodeling into what we call a strong, healthy, highly-organized bone. From start to finish, the three stages of fracture healing will take many months up to years. However, not all fractures heal at the same pace.

  • The site of the injury,
  • Your general health, and
  • Nutritional status. 

Herbal Remedies For Broken Bones

If you have broken a bone, you may be wondering about using herbs for broken bones. Here are many herbs that can help with healing broken bones, but some of them should be used carefully because they can interact with prescription medications and other herbs.

#1. Arnica


Sunflower is rich in Arnica, which can be useful in treating sprains and broken bones. The arnica powder found between the petals serves to assist the healing process. Fruit is also brewed into hot or cold teas and flavored with honey.  This plant belongs to the Asteraceae (Daisy) family and its flowers are recommended for the treatment of concussion, falls, and fractures, as well as inflammation, injury, pain, physical and emotional shock, post-surgical trauma, and post-traumatic stress. As a stimulant for macrophage activity, arnica can decrease swelling and nerve pressure, and it is safest used in a homeopathic form. Do not use it on wounds that have occurred because it will cause skin and mucus membrane irritation. 

#2. Comfrey

Comfrey plant

In addition to helping with bone healing, Comfrey, a purple flower, is available in pill form under the genus name of Symphytum, which has the ability to relieve pain and accelerate the healing process. Boneset and comfrey are natural partners in healing broken bones. Boneset is primarily used nowadays by Chinese herbalists to reduce fever, but the indigenous peoples of northern America used it for reducing broken bones and easing arthritis. Comfrey has been traditionally called knitbones herb because it speeds cell regeneration, and thus stimulates bone and soft tissue growth, which leads to increased pain.

#3. Rue

Rue plant

The Rue plant, which is a type of evergreen shrub that is deeply rooted in roots, provides healing relief when the leaves of the plant are soaked in warm water and applied to the injured area. It also aids the regeneration of damaged tissue and makes the rate of healing more rapid.

#4. Black cohosh roots

Black cohosh roots

You can strengthen your bones with black cohosh roots cut up and added to boiling water, and spoon a cup of cohosh tea in liquid form every few days to increase bone strength. 

#5. Nettles

Nettles plants

Traditionally, stinging nettle has been used for arthritis and general weakness. Nettle leaf packs a good amount of calcium and magnesium, as well as silica and boron—other essential minerals for healthy bones. It is also rich in vitamins C and D, which both aid calcium absorption, and vitamin K, which strengthens bones with increased moisture retention.

#6. Alfalfa

Alfalfa leaves

In addition to providing valuable nutrients of calcium, magnesium, boron, silica, and zinc to the body, Alfalfa leaves are also very rich in vitamins D and K and phytoestrogens which can soften hormonal fluctuations that can lead to bone problems.

Consider the source of your alfalfa when choosing it. Some of it is genetically engineered.

#7. Red Clover

Red Clover

A study published in the February 2004 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition indicated that women taking red clover isoflavones had significantly slower spinal bone loss in comparison to those on the placebo.

#8. Oat Straw

As an herbal compound and medicinal, oat straw is used to aid a number of health conditions such as treating broken bones, inducing fertility, and soothing anxious feelings.

#9. Horsetail

Horsetail plant

An Italian study found that women with osteoporosis improved their bone density after taking horsetail extract for one year. Horsetail is the source of silica that is important for strong nails, hair, and bones. Horsetail extract has been used to treat bone infections for hundreds of years.

Despite its desirable effects on the health of the body, horsetail contains significant amounts of nicotine. Other sources of silica include almonds, flax and sunflower seeds, whole grains, bananas, and asparagus. 

#10. Teasel


Teasel is commonly known as an herbal fracture healer. A Chinese herb, Teasel is still commonly available in stores as pills or in pure form. It can be used to increase blood and energy circulation so that a traumatic injury can heal rapidly. Aside from infilling vital nutrients, Teasel can also contribute to the performance of muscle growth and to the recurrent pain of broken bones, limping legs, and lumbago. It is also commonly used in the treatment of kidney-damaged rheumatism.

How Herbal Remedies Vitamin Supplement and Calcium

When supplemented with calcium-rich foods, vitamin D and dietary supplements will help your body in absorbing the calcium needed to strengthen your bones. Magnesium-rich foods like milk, yogurt, and collard greens are all great examples of vitamin D intake.

Studies show that Vitamin K helps you avoid excess calcium excreting when you take Vitamin D together with other supplements and foods. With more fruits and vegetables, like cabbage, broccoli, and kale, your body will generate more reparative cells and heal the wound better. 

Although vitamins and herbal remedies will strengthen your bones and protect them from breakages, taking vitamins and drinking herbal tea will also prevent you from breaking your bones due to increased bone density and reducing bone loss caused by osteoporosis. In particular, the doctor’s attention should be focused on giving you a DEXA scan, which measures your bone mineral density when you break a bone, in order to determine whether you have osteoporosis.

After the recovery is achieved, it is also important to remain fit and exercise. By constantly moving your body, you will stay healthy and maintain a strong bone structure, thus reducing your risk of osteoporosis and broken bones. The following dietary changes and herbal remedies which may speed up the healing process should be included in your regular diet if you break a bone.

Final words

A broken bone can be a very difficult thing to deal with. You need to get it set, and you need to make sure it heals properly so that you don’t have problems later in life. Luckily, there are herbs that can help speed up the healing process and reduce inflammation while the bone is still setting.

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